The Body, The Spirit and The Soul Of A Lover

This picture belongs to me

Love is a beautiful thing, love is a good thing! But, at times love can be hurt, painful and makes one feel sober.
When a man is in love, he does everything to please his lover (I mean his girlfriend or wife). In this article, I will talk about intimate love.
One day, someone told me that when one is loved, the person he/she loves will be like treasures to him/her. I reflected on the words, I realized that what he told me was a pure truth.
The word of God said, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. - Matthew 6:21
When you have valuable treasures somewhere, whether at home or somewhere else, not only your mind (soul) but your spirit and body will also be there.
That is the reason you sleep and dream about those particular treasures because your spirit is there; your soul is there and that is the reason you're thinking about it every time; and your body is there that is the reason you run there to check it.
That is how it is when you love someone! You think, feel and dream about your lover. One thing I want you to understand is that the more you think and feel your lover, the deeper she/he will be in your subconscious mind that will make you dream about him/her.
Then, your lover is a treasure to you when he or she is in your body, spirit and soul.

I remember my first love. Whenever I was on vacation, her house was my resting place. She hadn't got admission to higher instruction then, but I was already in a higher institution. Whenever I came home from school, I spent more than 6 hours with her in her house. I was known by her family members.
I always pray for vacation to come because I enjoyed staying around her more than anyone else. I don't normally look at times when we're together; spending 10 hours with her was like 10 minutes. She always reminded me, “dear, it is 10:00 pm, I don't want anything to happen to you, let me see you off."
Then, I would reply, ohh!! You are sending me away? That is alright, I will go to my house.
“No dear, it is late and we don't have security in this environment, you are aware of that. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Ok! I have heard you.

We walked down the road for more than 30 minutes. We discussed, played and joked.

Because of her, I barely missed church programs; I knew I would see her in the church. Seeing her alone made me happy.

She was the Most Happiest Thing in my Life
Despite the many friends I had in my university days; some of my female friends took me to restaurants and bought gifts for me. One of the ladies who loved me the most while I was an undergraduate was Mosunmola; she confronted me and said, “Chris, what have I done? You didn't look at my side despite knowing that I loved it."
She was the most beautiful woman in this world to me. I never have thought of having someone else because I loved her.
In my opinion, she was the most perfect, elegant, beautiful, respectful, and kind woman. I never wanted to do anything that would make her break up with me; I love her so much.

She was the only woman that I could spend 2 hours talking to on the phone. I don't have time to talk to someone on the phone for 10 minutes! I myself would disconnect the conversation.
If I had a chance to bring her to my school then, I would have brought her.
There was not a day without thinking and calling her. Even if I don't have money to call her, I would borrow money to call her.
There were times I called her early in the morning while I was still in bed; I called her when I was in class; I called her in the evening, night and at midnight. I never failed to message her in a day.

You Can't Talk Bad About her (Florence)
Her name is Florence. If you say anything bad about her, I would get angry at you. Though, I don't get angry easily but if you say anything against her, I would not be happy with you, no matter how close you were to me, either you were my siblings or friends.
I love her from her hair to the toe. I love everything about her. It was pure love I had for her.

The Text Message I Saw On Her Phone Crumbled The Relationship And Destabilized Everything
I was never bothered about any woman again because I already concluded that she would be the woman I spent the rest of my life with.
I don't have experience flirting with anyone; she was my first love and I was contented with her.
It took a long time before we saw each other: by this she was with someone and I wasn't aware of it.
When we met, for a long period, I was happy to see her. With joy and happiness, I collected her phone to see the pictures. The first thing I did was to check her inbox, and I saw an erotic massage that got my mind blown. It was a message that I could not comprehend. While I was reading the message, she snatched the phone from me and deleted it.
Well! I have read the message. Since I read the message, my heart never stopped reading the message until 2023 when I finally agreed to stop chasing after her.
Since that moment, I began to use the message to react to her. I love her so much, I couldn't break up easily with her. I broke up with her several times, and begged her the next day.
When I asked her, she concealed the truth from me and refused to tell me that truth. The longer she refused to tell me the truth, the more annoyed I was.
If she told me immediately, I would have forgotten but she didn't know this part of me.
She thought that it was good for me and her.

I was ready to forgive her but I needed to hear the whole truth from her.
Every time I asked her. She turned down my question and said another thing; and I really wanted to know the truth so that I could let it go.
I understand things like that happen, because of my love for her, I was eager to hear the whole truth.
After a while, she told me everything; at this time there was no trust from my side.

The trust was no longer there but I love Florence
The trust was no longer there but I still love her and I was ready to make her my life partner.
Yet, I did not have any lover except her but started flirting with ladies.
I started flirting with three beautiful ladies! I love beautiful ladies.
I refused to propose to any of them because I only love Florence.
After a while, I started to build my trust again, but it wasn't like before.
By the time we met again, she was about to do Introduction with her fiance. At this moment, she told me she was no longer interested; but, I was still loving her.
She did an introduction and sent me the pictures. I did not believe it until my friends and families told me.

One of the beautiful ladies I was flirting with told me that, “if you did not forget about Florence, our friendship is over."
I wanted to prove stubborn; when I realized that she didn't call me for days, I went to her house, she gave me food and I ate it. I wanted to take her out to buy things for her but she refused to follow me.
Thanks to God for my sweetheart, I never knew she was a gem, virtuous, trustworthy, loveable, good characters, kind, transparent, good attitudes, beautiful, smart woman.

Wait for the next episode to read our love story.. I saw some attributes in her at a dinner party.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale.

This is #aprilinleo Day 21

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