My Humble Beginning of #LPUD: Growing Staked Leo Is Very Important

Hello friends, how are you doing today? Yesterday I went to repair my PC; it wasn't an easy journey. When I got there, the office I went to billed me too much. The money they billed me can purchase a brand new PC. Though my PC is expensive.

Everyone has how she/begin the journey of success in life. Some givers started the journey of LPUD by staking small amount of #leo. They continue to stake their Leo; today, some of them have hundreds or thousands of staked leo.
I have been seeing #LPUD in #leofinance for long time; there was a day I staked little amount of Leo, after that day, I did not stake Leo again.
Hmmm! It was about a year I staked that Leo; and after that, I did not stake any Leo again.
If I continue staking 30 Leo since then, I would have grown more than the recent staked Leo I have.

Why Growing Staked Leo Is Very Important?
Get stronger in the site: you know what I mean; #inleo is built on hive, therefore, it works like hive. The higher your staking amount, the more powerful you are in upvoting and downvoting.
That is the reason we have baby cubs- in my own understanding, it is the people with the smallest Leo staked.
When baby cubs vote for a post with their highest strength, it may be 0.01. when people with higher stake Leo such as 100, 000 staked leo vote, It carries more weight than the one baby cubs voted.
Investment: Leo stake is an investment to you. This is because you get a reward by staking Leo.

Accolade: personal badge is given according to the account you staked. This badge allows users of the site to recognize you more.

There are so many reasons one should increase the amount of staked Leo.
The following above is a tip of an iceberg.

My Humble Beginning
Today marks my humble beginning of staking Leo. I will continue to stake Leo on every #LPUD.
At least, for a start, I should be able to stake Leo every 15th of the month. This is how some great investors started. Today we called them great investors because of their consistency in growing their portfolios.

This is when I mistakenly entered 52 instead of 50
For a start, I powered up 52 Leo.
This picture was taken after using beesawp
Oh! My 😞😔😔! I should have powered up 50 but mistakenly powered up 52.
This was when I was trying to use Inleo front end but it failed
Well! It is gone already and nothing can be done about it.
I was trying to power up leo from the front end of #inleo but it wasn't going, by the time I tested it on beesawp, it was gone. That was when I made the mistake.

have a total of 82 Leo as of today, the next #LPUD, I'm expecting to power up more than 52 Leo.
This was the reason I tagged it the article ‘my humble beginning’.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

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