I Sighed My Cinderella In The Party

Hello everyone, how are you today? Hope you are enjoying the new day! A day to be much remembered. Some people has been waiting to witness #bitcoin halving. For example, a person like me, I'm just happy to know how it goes.
April 20th, 2024 is noted in my diary. A day to be much remembered

On that fateful day, it was my friend's birthday party in one of the best hotels in my area. I declined the invitation initially because I don't like walking at night.
Until that very day the celebrant called me, “hello Chris, how are you? Where are you?. I'm at home my man, anything for me?
He replied, “yeah, I have gifts for you today". After 20 minutes around 8:30 pm, he came to my house. He saw me without doing anything; and he said, “you know today is my birthday, you need to make today memorable in my life. Our friends are waiting for you in a hotel to celebrate my birthday together".
You caught me red handed! Ok, let me prepare for it.
After 10 minutes, I boarded his car and we went to the hotel. By the time we alighted in the car, the other friends had prepared to pour drinks in his body.

As we got into the hall where they organized the party, the three of our friends walked towards us and poured wine on his body. As the celebrant was hiding behind me, they poured wine in my body and his body. They all sang a birthday song together.

30 minutes later, tables were set; different types of meats, and drinks. I don't like alcoholic drinks because I don't drink them.
The moment we started dining and drinking, three ladies entered and joined us in the party.
There was one of the ladies I looked at for 2 minutes the moment she walked in majestically.
She was like an angel, she wore an armless red gown, her skin was glowing as if she was not from this planet. When I perceived the fragrance she used, I was drawn into the realm of imagination. I was imagining kissing her, touching her body, and staying with her throughout the night.
She was my spec! She was exactly the type of classical lady I wanted.

When my friends saw that I was drawn by her, they created a chair beside her and said, “go and sit beside her".
I summoned courage, and walked to her side.
Hello, Cinderella, My name is Chris, can I sit beside you?
“Sure! you can sit beside me”. Her eyes were so sexy; the necklace and bangles were glittering. She looked at me with that sexy eyes and said, “sorry that I didn't introduce myself earlier, my name is Katty, I'm working in a bank”.
Hmmm! Before you introduced yourself to me, I have already given you a name."What name did you give me?”
Cinderella of course! She laughed.

“Why don't you eat Chris?" I couldn't tell her the reason I didn't want to eat but I was trying not to make any mistake.
She heard the glass of wine like a lady from a advanced country. She sipped the wine little-by-little, and took meat with a fork! She was eating the meat slowly. I was so in love with her table manners.

She poured the alcoholic wine into a glass for me; and I began to sip the wine and ate fish. After an hour, I was intoxicated with the wine.
I wasn't conscious of what I was saying and doing. Until the next video was played; if I wasn't drunk, I could never say and do those things.
I saw myself grabbing a lady buttock and dancing like someone that was lost.
I said to my Cinderella, I'm going to sleep in your lap tonight, don't leave me tonight. The moment I set my eyes on your, I could no longer reason well; and that was the reason I left my chair.
When I watched the whole video, I called the lady and apologized.
Well! After a week, she invited me to her house; and she cooked for me. The next time I invited her to a nearby restaurant, we ate and left.
That was how we knew each other.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale.

This is #aprilinleo Day 20

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