Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Little League

Happy Sunday to you all, how are you doing? Before I delve into this weekly challenge, I want to talk about the battle I played today.

Last night when I was playing splinterlands, my phone shutdown due to the battery life. When I woke up this morning, I charged my phone.
Before the battery shutdown, I played interesting battles but there was no little league rule.

Today when I checked battle mage secrets for this week, I realized that we were given a ‘little league’ rule. Little league rule simply means that all the monsters and Summoners in this battle cannot have more than 4 mana costs. That is the reason there was no monster above 4 mana cost; all the monsters and Summoners are 4 mana below.

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Rules Of The Battle

What doesn't kill you: All monsters have the enrage ability.
This rule is very good when a player uses melee monsters; and that was the reason my opponent used a melee monster.
My opponent knew how good Feral Spirit was in little league battles; and that was the reason he used Feral Spirit.
He also understood the ‘what doesn't kill you’ rule, and he used Feral Spirit in the third position, so that when my melee monster attacks feral spirit, the melee and speed will increase 50%.
I already knew that and I refused to use melee monsters.

Little League: Monsters and Summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battles.
Feral Spirit was the monster that my opponent wanted to use against me; but my knowledge in this game made me understand that some players love to use monsters with sneak ability. That was the reason I used riftwing so that the flying ability could be helpful.
I have used Riftwing in many battles, I knew how strong it was at times to evade melee monsters.

Contessa L’ament
Splinter: Dragon 🐲🐉
Level: 2
Ability: All enemy ranged attack monsters have -1 ranged attack.
The reason I used Contessa L'ament was because of the Riftwing. I needed Riftwing because of the flying and scavenge abilities.

Shadowy Presence
Splinter: Dragon 🐲🐉
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: None
Health: 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: None
Mana: 1
The only reason I used this monster was the health; shadowy Presence health was very important. That was the reason it took a third round for the peacebringer to destroy it.

Carrion Shade
Splinter: Dragon 🐉🐲
Level: 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 2 🚤🚤
Ability: Flying
Health: 2 ❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 1
After I calculated all the Mana I needed for the most important monsters in this battle; I was left with a mana and the only monster that was was one. Since Carrion Shade was the only one mana left that was left. I selected Carrion Shade.

Splinter: Dragon 🐉🐲
Level: 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 2🚤🚤
Ability: Flying and Scavenge
Health: 7 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: None
Mana: 4
The two most important monsters in this battle are Doctor Blight and Riftwing. The more monsters were dying, the more health was added to the health of Right. As monsters were eliminated, more health was added to Riftwing as a result of Scavenge ability. That was the reason it was difficult for Riftwing to be eliminated in this battle.

Doctor Blight
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: Affliction, Camouflage and Poison
Health: 4 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Magic
Mana: 4
Doctor Blight
This is the one attacking monster I depended on, that was the reason I used it as the last monster. I knew a monster would not be able to attack Doctor Blight because of Camouflage ability; the poison and affliction abilities were very important. Poison ability was most wanted in this battle.

Round One
The high speed of Feral Spirit made it attack faster; hence, Feral Spirit was the first monster to attack but it missed the first attack.
Peacebringer was the second monster that attacked; it attacked Shadowy Presence.
Doctor Blight attacked and poisoned Pelacor Conjurer; and that was exactly what I needed in this battle.

Round two
We all know that a monster with the highest speed attacks first. Feral Spirit was the monster with the highest speed. The flying ability of Riftwing made Feral Spirit miss the attack in the second time. Peacebringer damaged two health from Feral Spirit in the second round while Doctor Blight continued to damaged the health of the Pelacor Conjurer.
Note: As Doctor Blight was damaging the health of Pelacor Conjurer, the magic reflects affected Doctor Blight.

Round Three
At the beginning of round 3, the poison ability eliminated Pelacor Conjurer; Therefore, Pelacor Conjurer was the first monster to be eliminated.
Shadowy Presence was eliminated by Peacebringer. Round 3 was the first time Feral Spirit attacked Riftwing.
Doctor Blight poisoned Gargoya Scrapper.

Round 4
Peacebringer eliminated Carrion Shade; Feral Spirit did not have opportunity to attack because it was poisoned.
In round 5, Peacebringer led the lineup and it could not attack due to range attack.

Good Morning Love GIF by Eledraws (Eleonore Bem)
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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
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