Free Speech Friday 7/31/18; "Hear Say..." (Comedy Open Mic week 24 entry)

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You know, today I woke up and thought it would make another great day to do some fine wordy bitching. You know me!

For those who don't know, today is the day every week we celebrate Free Speech Friday. Here in the states we have this mouthy crap called Freedom of Speech. Whatever stupid shit you believe in, SPEAK UP! Let us have it! It is your inalienable god given right to do so. Free Speech Friday was started over a year ago by my activist friend in Portland @sonofhightower. It inspired me to want to start making free speech Friday vlogs on my youtube channel. So why not get Free Speech Friday started here on Steemit?

Here is an interesting title. "Hear say..."

I want to talk about hear say. What it means to hear and say.

Who and what you are is "hear say." None of us have first hand knowledge of our names and date of birth. Your very identity is hear say. Your very birthday is hear say. Do you remember the day you were born? I can't! Unless you are the dude from the movie "Powder," none of us can recollect the day we were born.

Another example is today is Friday. But it is really Tuesday isn't it? or, is it? What makes today Tuesday? Is it because you woke up like everyone else today looking at the same calendar programming you to what day of the week it is? And what makes it a day? And why only 7 days? And who and why are these days given these names? Why are they all the names of Norse Pagan Gods? It is all HEAR SAY! Even traditions are hear say! So as long as we are making this stuff up, I'm making up my own rules and days of the week. I don't believe today is Friday. I don't believe it is Tuesday either. I like Caturday! I have 7 kittens so everyday to me is Caturday. So Saturday is now "Caturday." How is that for some "hear say"?

These are the real questions that I ask myself. Long story short, it is all "hear say." We are programmed from children indoctrinated into believing that reality is whatever Corporate Fascist America says it is. We are herded like cattle by these fascist fucks based solely on "hear say." If we accept our "names" and "dates of birth", we accept this "false reality" or the "Matrix" that we think to be real. We lose all sense of what "is." We have just consented to them giving up all our rights being their "slaves." Herd mentality. Before long, after birth, we just go along with everything else like everyone else. Like Lemmings off a cliff SMH. And they got FEMA camps here all over America waiting for YOU! So line up and be counted shitizens!

“Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.”
~Henry David Thoreau

This is the real TRUTH! And it is all "HEAR SAY."

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."
~Henry David Thoreau

Which is why I believe that what we are born shouldn't dictate what we become. Change your whole life simply by changing your mind (bonus points if you now who said this). This is why today I'm celebrating my Free Speech Friday on Tuesday. I was inspired by @janton. When I made my first Free Speech Friday post a whole week and a half ago he thought it might be funny that I post a Friday rant earlier in the week to throw everybody off. And me being an enlightened jokester knowing everything like the "days of the week" being all hear say anyways, a light bulb went off! He's right! Thanks for the inspiration Jonboy! Here's to "Hear say" HA HA.

There are only three days of the week: today, tomorrow, and yesterday. Be here NOW! There is no future, no past, only NOW! This moment. Like the scene from the movie Spaceballs. So to me, the days of the week are just something I am forced to conform with still till the rest of society wakes up. Which is why I can't help but have fun with all this stupid shit society believes in. Just because y'all believe in some of this stupid shit doesn't mean I'm going too. To each his own. Think outside the box! And me, I think so far outside the box that I fail to realize that I am still indeed trapped inside a box. Like David Icke, I am me I AM FREE!!! And who knows, maybe one day I too will pose nude on the cover of one my books that I've written HA HA. The skies the limit! Who knows, maybe I'm Diogenes reincarnated. But then again, that too would just be "hear say" making me schizophrenic.

As far as I know, I'm a divine sentient being having a human experience like everyone else. I like being human. But Black's Law Dictionary says a human being is a "monster." What the fuck do I care what Black's Law Dictionary says about being human!? That is all "hear say." The only time I give a fuck about what the word human means is when I am in court. And I am NEVER going to court. If I show up to court, I'm throwing the big book of "hear say" at them! Believe me, like church, the courts don't want me showing up because they fear their lawless institutions will go up flames from my presence. It is JUDGEMENT DAY!!! That is the mentality you have to have if you are going to fight these fuckers. Set them fuckers on fire using only your mind. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about!

"I am the Zen Master."
~Tyler Durden

This is why I'm a nihilist for the most part. Zen masters are nihilists. What is Zen? What is nihilism? They are the masters of NOTHING (No, NOT Atheism! And I will dive into that in another rant). Absolutely NOTHING! Zen is nothingness. Nihilism is the belief in nothing. And you can't talk about nothing or nothingness. If it doesn't exist, then how can you be knowledgeable of it to talk about it? By making nothing into "something" it becomes a lie. More "hear say" bullshit! It is an 80s classic by Fleetwood Mac, "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..."

So if everything is "hear say" then what is the TRUTH? Is it moral? Is it light? Is it facts? Is it science? Is the TRUTH an acronym for the The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters, a radical group of dipshits that you should join? WTF!?

The Truth is there is NO TRUTH! Ponder on that one. The ultimate paradox.

"The only thing I know is that I know nothing"

Which is why we truly are the masters of our own destiny's. Life begins with an empty canvas so paint you a good life. The same as "Do What Thou Wilt." Life is a flower, wilt thyself. Meaning life is what you make of it. Which is why I say, "Do no harm but stand your ground." As long as your life doesn't trespass or impede on the happiness of others you are doing something right with your life.

"As you think so shall you become"
~Bruce Lee

"Cherish your life."
~John Cramer (Jigsaw)

There is a reason the Fool is #1 in the Tarot card deck. If you think I'm a fool, good! It means I'm doing something right. You have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who is trying to fool you. The jester laughs because the world is full of fools. So the joke is on you! Remember, the Fool is number 1! ;-)

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

I nominate @sonofhightower and @mikebluehair42 to enter this weeks Comedy Open Mic.

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
We are a Dipshit Democracy. FUCK Amy Goodman!
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