The Beauty of Simplicity

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Dear friends of HIVE community,

This morning, I find myself in a peaceful place. The atmosphere is incredibly calm today, the only perceptible sound being that of birdsong. The reason I like to take refuge here is simple: the simplicity of everything around me. Earth and sky meet in near-perfect harmony, reminding me that in our daily lives, we often forget the importance of this simplicity.

Modern life is often a whirlwind of noise and bustle, filled with din, worry and incessant stress. Yet here, in this natural tranquility, I realize how soothing and revitalizing simplicity can be. When we embrace simplicity, we find peace within ourselves, and it becomes easy to share that peace with others.

Simplicity is also the joy of living. A pure, simple, sincere joy that comes from a tranquil situation. It's true that our daily lives are often complicated and messy, but it's essential to seek and maintain balance. Like many of you, I too have my personal challenges, difficult moments and concerns. However, I always strive to find that balance, because it's fundamental to our well-being.

Let me now take you on a journey of thought that I hope will resonate with many of you :

Imagine sitting somewhere, watching the clock and waiting for three hours. How do you cope with this waiting, especially if what you hear or see isn't particularly captivating? The ability to free yourself from this perpetual wait for the next thing to come is essential if you are not to find this situation unbearable. Take a simple example: stargazing on a clear night, or watching the leaves of a tree dance in the wind. Listening to birdsong at sunrise is magnificent. These moments of pure observation, without analysis, are in themselves enriching experiences.

Some achieve what the world calls success - recognition, wealth, fame - only to discover that something is always missing. Even the successful and acclaimed realize that it's all an illusion. The media and society nurture these illusions, but deep down, they never provide lasting satisfaction. At some point, we realize that our life situation, whatever it may be, can never bring us complete satisfaction. No situation is eternally satisfying. So it's crucial to plunge deeper into life itself and seek this fulfillment outside of mental constructs.

Thank you, dear readers, for taking the time to read this article. I hope it has offered you some new and interesting perspectives on the power of thoughts and the search for true satisfaction in life. I look forward to seeing you in our next article, where we'll continue to explore the mysteries and wonders of our existence together. See you soon!



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