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In the space of 10 years a lot has changed in terms of technology, many advancements and developments has happened in various aspects of our existence which has brought about transformation and a means to make things easier. There has been technological advancements in areas of internet system,gadgets, communication system, health care, transportation, education, entertainment and so on. There has been an upgrade in these areas that affords people to take their careers and activities to the next level. As we exist, things are definitely going to change, the digital age is still in phase as there are more technological innovations coming on board and ideas are still been born to achieve this.

I will discuss some crucial areas where the before and after of various technology changes has been made and upgraded over the years.

The Internet

The impact of the internet has grown so much that it has been widely accepted by all and sundry, nothing literally works without the internet anymore, as everything and every activity is carried out online. Before the advent of internet, businesses were only physical and carried out within the four walls of a store become e-commerce came on board, advertising of goods and services were done via radio stations, newspapers and television advert. also access to information and knowledge were limited to hard copy books or the libraries, hence those who could not afford them were at a loss. Also before internet broke out, entertainment was available via the means of vcd or DVDs which were all limiting and time consuming.

After the incoming of the internet which was still the traditional web 1 and web 2,things began to change in those areas mentioned above even thought were centralized. The use of Google was use to search for informations globally, thus bringing libraries close to the people using their smartphones. For business owners, they could advertise their products in various means like social media marketing like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on, they could also use seo or content creation to achieve this. To make things easier business owners can create websites to market and sell their goods using digital payment.

In view, when web3 evolved as a decentralized system where users have more controll over their datas, identities and transaction. It therefore brought about a significant change in how we interact and transact online, this uncontrolled technologies allows for a more open, inclusive, and resilient internet ecosystem.


I remember when communication was a big problem back in the days, when we sent letters to families and friends that would take days or weeks to get to them and even get a reply. Then there was nothing like emails, text messages, face time, social media direct messages and so on. Even before smartphone was fully incorporated in the country, all we had was few people who could afford the expensive Nokia phones. Those who could not afford would go to designated areas called "phone booths" to make calls and pay for their services. Then steadily, mobile phones started upgrading till the smartphone came on and allowed for activities to be carried out fully like fast phone call conversation, sending of text messages, video calls with friends, families or meetings. You could interact with people all over the globe via social media.


When we were younger we used to grind pepper and tomatoes with a grinding stone to make soup for the family, we would use fire wood to make fire so that we can cook or use the options of saw dust or charcoal. But now technology has made things easier with the implementation of electric blender, oven, gas cooker, electric stove and so on. New gadgets are available to make humans feel at ease with what they are doing, introduction of smart television was used to replace the black and white box tv we used to know.

There are so many areas that has received transformation because of technology advancement and this is for a good cause.

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