How are the gods of Nordic mythology?

German and Nordic mythology are intersected in a rich history of legends and adventures prominent by many gods such as Odin, Thor, Freyr and Loki, and goddesses like Freya, Frigga (Odin's wife), Gefion or Iduna.

Their personalities are complex and not always at the right height. Odin called the father of all is characterized by wisdom, has made a great sacrifice, left his left eye in response to the demand of giant Mimir, who kept the well of knowledge at Yggdrasil tree roots and would thus only allow to drink from those magical waters that bestowed all knowledge.

Odin is often presented as a participant in duels with other characters, many times human, who visits Midgard, always arrives with a characteristic outfit, presented as a long-haired vagabond old man, wearing a blue fabric and a big hat.

There is also an over-representation, presented as a trap expert and fraud. An essential function of Odin is war. He started throwing his unmistakable spear, Gungnir, and tried to turn the score back in favor of the Nordic. He was accompanied by his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who introduced the Thought and Memory, who collected information about it.

He was able to decide on the victory as well as to distinguish who had been more valiant in battle. They were adopted and uprooted by the Wavalites, the beautiful feminine deities, the servants of the gods as well as at Valhalla, where they participated in a lifetime banquet along with Odin.

Thor, Freyr, Loki and Freya.

Thor, Odin's son was the right arm and a defensive god for the people, honored by the villagers as the climate master was considered. Thor's characteristic was his hammer, Mjölnir being sparked when it was hit. Freyr is the god who has the greatest protagonism in Nordic mythology.

It is considered the god of fertility and is bound to peace. In one of the main legends he is the protagonist; it is said that Freyr sacrifices one of his greatest possessions, a magical sword that has life, and donates it to a servant Skirnir in exchange for a love with a giant, Gerdën.

Freyr thus managed to win the girlfriend, but the loss of the sword will have consequences for him and for the gods in the final battle against evil, as we will see further. Other important gods were Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard and Tyr, the brave son of the giants who sacrificed his right hand to shake the wolf Fenrir, a huge threat to gods.

not a list of gods is a place for even less heroic gods, the main among them is Loki, a clever character whose tales will always create problems for gods. Loki is a character who sometimes comes to the aid of gods, but who sympathizes with evil rather than good and can never be fully trusted. It is certainly one of the most lonely and complex characters in this antagonistic role of most gods. Among the main goddesses is Freyja, Freyr's sister.

It was the most sought-after god for having luck in love and fertility even though these attributes were attributed to Frida, Odin's wife. Between this legendary and wealthy universe we will always find in Nordic mythology a complex explanation of the world and especially about the theme of good and evil, the coexistence of which is the issue that explains the legends of these lands. Many of these mythological figures are metaphors to address these issues.

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