Self-Employment, a Blessing and a Curse #3 - The Upside

The Upside, Freedom

In the last two posts from this mini-series I focused more on the so-called downsides of being self-employed but, by now, I think that you are able to see where I’m going with the series. As I would pick the truth over any beautiful life, I would choose self-employment over any bullshit job.

As I said before, you are your own boss, and that is both a blessing and a curse at the same time but, even if it’s more challenging and tough as shit sometimes, it has a lot more upsides than any regular job.


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Being your own boss, allows you to gain one amazing and essential thing, and that is freedom. No, it’s not what I call total freedom yet because, to get there, you have to be free on a lot more levels than just being able to do what you want but, being self-employed is a damn solid beginning.

You see, this freedom I’m talking about tastes so refreshing, so much better than anything you have ever experienced before that, even if you’re spending days in and out working, even if you’re sacrificing a lot of dumb shit and brainless entertainment, it is still worth it so much fucking more!

It’s not just about being able to do whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you want, with whomever the fuck you want but, it’s about something much greater, it is about owning yourself. Yes, if you are free, if you are the one in control, you are owning yourself, you are the only one you can blame and the only one responsible for how much dollar bills you are bringing in, you are independent and, that is the greatest upside of being self-employed.


Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

That is the reason I would refuse almost any job, over being self-employed even if I would be making less money in the short run. It is not about how much money you make, you don’t even need as much as you think you do, you don’t need the Rolex, the iPhone, and the Lambo, but, you do need the freedom and the lifestyle that comes with it and, that’s something most jobs can’t offer you.

If you can make enough money from your bed to live day-to-day while doing something you don’t hate, you’re a made man. You’re not in survival mode if you’re making just enough to have a decent life but, you are in survival mode if the only reason you’re going to work is to make money, to survive. See what I mean?


Photo by Pexels on Pixabay

No matter how great and financially rewarding your job is, if, you want to take some days off, if you want to do something else, you’re still accountable to your boss and, at the end of the day, your whole lifestyle is at the fingertips of a single person. Especially nowadays that a shitload of people are one paycheck away from being goddamn homeless only because they followed somebody else’s path instead of theirs. Not so fun anymore, now is it?

As an employee, you won’t be able to do whatever you want whenever you want but, as long as you like your job and you don’t mind its limitations that’s fine. Even so, if you become the fucking best at it, you can always do it on your own, and become self-employed.


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Even if you’re broke, if you decide to work your ass off after getting home instead of watching somebody else’s fake life through a goddamn screen then, after a long enough time, you will be able to produce enough money to ditch your shit job and change your lifestyle. It takes patience, it takes guts and determination, passion but, if you are willing to make a massive bet on the only being you should do so, and that’s yourself, then, this is the path you should follow.


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

It’s not going to be easy, nothing worth pursuing is easy but, the potential outcome it’s fucking worth it. It’s worth doing anything, for freedom, and I mean real freedom, not the bullshit they talk about on TV, and, pursuing your vision is one of the steps you will have to take sooner or later. And, I say, the sooner, the better because freedom doesn’t worth so much when you’re old since you won’t be able to enjoy it anymore.

A day of freedom is worth a shitload more than a life in captivity and, that quality time and freedom is what self-employment can provide you.

Make your choice, and make it fast.

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