Parental Influence: Shaping Our Lives and Values

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The journey of us begins after our birth, and childhood is a phase that affects the rest of our lives. Our upbringing decides our attitudes, our nature, and our future as well. We cannot choose our parents like friends, spouses, etc. It's not in our hands, but after birth, what we will do in the future and what effect we will have on society is decided by our upbringing. Our race starts even before birth as only one sperm cell wins the race and meets the egg to fertilize it.

During our childhood, we have many incidents, some of which we remember and some we forget. But some of them create a major impact on our lives, and we remember them our whole life. Parents play a very important role in our lives. They are first in all the world who take care of us, teach us, guide us, and much more. I still remember some of my childhood memories, especially when we visited my mother's parental home during our summer holidays. We all had lots of fun during vacation. We used to count the days and were always excited to go there. We were like kings at my mother's parental house as my grandparents had a special place for us in their hearts. They prepared different foods for us, and we used to visit the field every evening.

In my life, I learned many things from my parents. I remember the way my parents worked hard for us. My father had four brothers, and he was the most successful among them. He always helped his brothers whenever they needed help. He was a self-made man who started his journey from a village, and after finishing his studies, he joined a milk collection center and then owned a restaurant-cum-hotel all because of his hard work. He was always an inspiration to me. One thing about him was his systematic approach and planning for the work to be done. This is why the responsibility of arranging the marriage function was given to him by our relatives.

My mother is a very kind person, and she always took care of us. Even today, she calls us every day just to ask if we are okay. One thing I always liked about her is the respect she has for our elders. My grandmother is around 90 years old, and by the grace of God, she is doing well, and I give credit to my mother. My mother always takes care of my grandmother. I remember from my childhood that my grandmother lived with us, and my mother took care of her. She always taught us to respect elders and help them as per their needs. I always noticed that after food preparation, she first asked my grandmother to have it. She is also a good tailor and used to stitch clothes to support my father in the past. Now she is above the age of 60, so she has stopped working.

Our character, our nature, our behavior, all are affected by our surroundings, especially when we are kids. If we see something good around us, we get adopted to it, and if we see something wrong, we also get attracted to it. A child's mind is like a clean slate, and whatever you write on it will only reflect in the future. My parents are always role models for me, and I am always thankful to God for blessing me with them.

What are your views let me know in comment section. Have you witnessed similar incident?

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