Challenges and Priorities for Government Action in Developing Nations

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Their are many challenges for the Government in any underdeveloped country like India. It's not easy for any government to fulfill the expectations of the people of country, I would say is its impossible as every person has their own opinions and one thing is important for someone is not necessarily important for anyone else. But still their are some basic needs that are common for all like education, transport, food, shelter etc. We all expect many things for our Goverment and the politicians also made big promises before the election during the campaign but after the Goverment comes into action you will not find them for next 5 years. This is the common scenario in India, the politicians comes out in public only during their election campaign. Now if you do not feel the pain of common man how you will solve their problems, how you will be able to understand their requirements.

Roti, Kapda and Makan (food, cloth and shelter) are three basic need of us all. We need food which gives us energy, to cover our body we need clothes and to live we need a shelter. So the Goverment should took those three on priority. It's very unfortunate if some one die because of hunger, it's one of the biggest failures of our system in such cases. I have seen many peoples living on roads as they do not have any place to live, it's very painful to see such conditions.

Another big problem in my city is the traffic control. It's not like we have a big traffic and we stuck on roads for hours but the problem is people do not follow the traffic rules. Many time I have seen the people's jumping the red light and they become the reason for accidents. Their act not every create problem for them but also to other people of road may bed effected badly. The under age drivers are also drive on main roads and mostly they never follow the rules. They himself breaking the rule as they are driving below the age of guidelines of Goverment. Here the issue is more by the people itself but Goverment has to fake strick action agaist them. The concept of smart city works very effectively as I have seen in some other cities. I have seen that people hesitate to go those cities if they do not have completed vehicle papers. Thw smart city concept works well in such cases. If some one break the traffic rules the act get recorded on camera and by sensors. The fine wil be send digital and they have to pay for their crime.

The technology is of no use if the people of the country do not know how to use it. Education is basic need of today time and it contributes a lot for the progress of any country. The education infrastructure is not good in government schools. The level of education in Goverment is not upto mark. The private schools are too much costly. The government has to think of it and should reform the education policy.

Their are many areas for the improvement and its not like Goverment does not know about them. They know it very well but without good intentions their will not be much improvement.

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