My Introduction to the Hive world and the Beauty I bring.

Starting Point to my Logo.


🙌My Introduction to Hive!💨

My name really tells you what it is I plan to bring to the Hive blockchain which is the benefits of growing and its ability to help cope with PTSD. It doesn't have to be cannabis in which you are growing it can be applied with any plant that's the beauty of it. You can make your self a fresh vegetable garden, cannabis garden, herb garden, or even just house plants, the possibilities are endless and I think its an over looked coping mechanism. But I know what you could be thinking, how can I preach it well I have lived it and without to many details almost mastered its positive affects it provides me in my time of need because as you know every plant is full of life too.

Beautiful OG KUSH (Auto)

There is a satisfaction to the end product when you have dried and cured to perfection you tend to get these kind of results with daily checking, watching your plants and what they need. Your purpose becomes to have the best outcome for your girls till harvest time giving that sense of protecting and accomplishment, of course this is different from person to person but for me it is perfection. There hasn't been a lot that I have been able to learn on my own outside some military history and things pretraining to the military. So dabbing into the Botanist was a new venture for me I used to help with the family garden but other then that my knowledge of caring for plants was zero! Talk about just jumping into a new hobby, though the reasoning behind my decision was based solely off saving money off have to get it in the grey market. And I have also heard gardening helps with PTSD so I put the two together and BOOM found me a new coping skill outside my couple others but this is a solid #2 for sure.

A fellow Vet got me into Hive so I am Rep'n

With the above picture being said I am representing the Veterans in any way I can Voted on Witness's Pretraining to Veterans and I will link them below along with the discord server we need more Veterans coming together from all over the world for the things they got planned for Veterans as a whole on and off of Hive. Without giving up to much more I will be sharing my stories my failures and my successes as well everything I find satisfying and maybe you can do some self inventory and realize this may apply to you as well in any type of gardening. I look forward to my future here on Hive thanks for your time today.


Veteran owned/Ran Witness's I mentioned Earlier! Give em a Vote support the Veterans on Hive.
Veterans on Hive/Cavalry Coin #2 Witness By @veteranforcrypto
Cavalry Coin (Main) +More Witness By @inthenow
Cavalry Coin Co-Founder Witness By @enginewitty

Veterans on Hive/Cavalry Coin Discord


And last but not least WeedCash.Network and @canna-curate they are another big reason for my landing here on hive a very open community of growers smokers and very helpful people! If you haven't heard of them you should find out more from the information below. Also be on the lookout for the new Logo for @growingandptsd coming soon!

Canna-Curate Discord Server


🚀Until next time fellow growers take care of your boys & girls💨
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