alternate evolution for woolio - WOOLIGNITE |original artwork|

Hello community, after seeing that the last creature that was shown to us had an evolution from normal to electric, I wanted to make an alternate evolution from normal to fire, this one I feel is more elegant and slender to make it more agile, with its fur being replaced by fire that does not stop burning and its black hooves as if they were charred and burning where it steps. Although woolio specialized in defense, woolignite is an alternate evolution that is more focused on attack and speed, taking the saying that the best defense is a powerful offense to the extreme, I hope you like it.

hola comunidad, luego de ver que la ultima criatura que se nos mostro tenia una evolucion de normal a electrico, quise hacer una evolucion alterna de normal a fuego, este siento mas es elegante y esbelto para hacerlo mas agil, con su pelaje siendo reemplazado por fuego que no deja de arder y sus pezuñas negras como si estuvieran carbonizadas y quemando donde pisa. aunque woolio se especializaba en defensa, woolignite es una evolucion alterna que esta mas enfocado en el ataque y rapidez, llevando el dicho de que la mejor defensa es una ofensa poderosa al extremo, espero les guste.








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