POV: Peerplays

Few month back I have wrote about Games on Steem and how one can build turn based games on top of blockchain right now. In this post, I wanted to share my point of view about another Graphene chain Peerplays project.

Peerplays is dedicated blockchain to take game industry to next level by combining blockchain and financial incentive direct into its core. It is quite exciting to see Graphene chains trying to solve different problems which we have in blockchain space and in society in general.

Peerplays is also taking similar approach by introducing first app Bookie on top of Peerplays, just like Steem did with first app Steemit.

I believe just like Steem, Peerplays will have multiple opportunities for developers to build games on top of the blockchain. Giving them and their users necessary tool and financial engine.

Bookie is sport betting application without house, eager to see how this plays out. But I am more interested in games that peers can play with each other realtime. As I mentioned in Games on Steem post, Chess, Words, Rock Scissors Paper (which you can check out on peerplays testnet), many more potential apps, entertaining services are possible.

When I played RSP game on peerplays testnet, I thought, here we go, that's great example of game and tournament on chain. It is not only showing possibility for Peerplays but for Steem as well. And had few ideas how to build games on top of both chains utilizing what those chains offer.

Imagine, integrated Entertainment or Games section on eSteem so that users can play when they are not blogging. Earn, Blog, Play, Exchange and with new EOS chain automate everything else. :)

Peerplays crowdfunding is about to finish in 2 days time, if you haven't checked out, go ahead and learn more about project: https://peerplays.com or follow @peerplays account here on Steem to get updates.

I believe synergy between Graphene chains will continue to evolve!

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