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May HIVE flowers bloom and be beautiful


I have been using Hive Blockchain since its inception.
I don't understand much about Cryptocurrency and I don't do trading.
However, I regularly work on Hive Blockchain with high hopes.

I don't have much financial resources.
A person who can live just for livelihood.
I envision Hive for my future financial freedom.
So I'm working every day to earn Hive income with whatever little I can.

I can't do anything special in Hive.
But what I see, I am sharing what I saw.
Where I come from, nature and flowers are things I often share.

If I see beautiful flowers, take a souvenir picture and present them, and I want HIVE to be as beautiful as flowers.
These flowers of nature are not just beautiful to me.
By sharing these flowers on the Hive Blockchain, I am saving money for my future.
Just like flowers beautify the environment, Hive is also beneficial for most Hive Bloggers.

I have prayed for more HIVE flowers to bloom and be beautiful.


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