Some thoughts about Fyodor Dostoevsky and his work "Crime and Punishment " /last part/

Is death the most punishable if you kill? Or your own conscience? In my opinion, if the murderer is killed, he will be saved from himself, from the anguish of his soul. The thought of living with the memory of the crime is the greatest punishment, especially for this reborn "new person" who has repented of what has been done. The deprivation of liberty is the greatest punishment. And for Raskolnikov the real punishment is not the labor camp, but the mental anguish. This is manifested in the gradual realization that nothing justifies his actions. But he is not alone, with Sonia, and reading the novel, we see how clean and noble this woman is. She so loves Raskolnikov that she is ready to turn his back on everything and to go with him. Ultimately, the internal struggle between his inhuman philosophy and his definitely humane personality allows the redemption of his guilt.

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The book clearly shows how the protagonist begins slowly and painfully to move forward in a spiritual aspect. This is the motive for the moral purification and rebirth of man. Raskolnikov, through suffering, through the suffering of the soul, reaches purification, to the revival of his lost essence, and when a person suffers, then he really feels. In this sense, suffering the hero goes on a painful but fruitful path. For him it is a time of unbearable inner suffering, which leads him to the salvation of his soul. The work ends when the hero is contemplating the gospel, still not eager to open it, but he asks: "Can not her convictions be now and my beliefs? Her feelings, her aspirations at least ....... " Raskolnikov undergoes a very complex evolution: "He was risen ....... Instead of dialectics came life ......."

The hero finds strength to revive a new life in order to find the person again. "It was the second week after Easter, they were warm, clear and spring days" Then comes the breakthrough in the hero - after Easter, when Christ has already risen - Raskolnikov also rises. Here, allegorically, the approach of Raskolnikov's image to the image of Christ is implied. "... he had risen, and he knew it, feeling it fully with all his being renewed." Sacrality also bears the place where this minute comes at last - in Siberia, on the banks of the river - that is to the east of Petersburg. The East symbolizes the source of spiritual light, the rising sun bearing the new day. Risen Raskolnikov is ready for his "great future feat" for his future true salvation. At the end of the novel four times, it is noted that his character remains "seven years" until he is sentenced.This is not accidental, but it is loaded with some symbolism. Seven are the days of the week, seven are the stages of perfection, seven means the entire planetary and angelic order. God creates the world for six days and the seventh rest - this is the perfect ending. This symbolism implies that Raskolnikov for seven years must go through the stages of his gradual reincarnation to reach perfection. Seven unites the three divine virtues - hope, faith and love and the four priesthood virtues - caution, moderation, justice and power that must also penetrate into the heart of the unhappy and happy Raskolnikov.

Such is Dostoevsky, he proves to us in his novel that there is no great judgment in our own conscience. And when one looks at the world through Raskolnikov's eyes, he senses the one that is so familiar to us, the obsessive and tedious burden that enters us after every evil act. And let's find that Razumihkin, in each of us and our friends, the man who will believe in you infinitely and follow you everywhere, even in hell. And what about the boundless love of Sonya Semonovna, who besides stoically accepts the difficulties of its own existence, accepts the burden of the secret of foreign sin on its shoulders. Here are these tiny shades that lead us to the overwhelming truth that the world of "Crime and Punishment" is our world, mine, yours and yours. And no matter how suppressed the atmosphere in it, it leads us to the salvation of our souls!

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