Taking Empowering Actions to Transform Your Life

I believe every human should have dream should I say goals which they aspire to attain, even if you ask a child today "What do you want to become? he or she will have an answer for you. It's easy to wish to become something or acquire certain successes, but are you taking the right actions to achieve that dream you desire or you are allowing yourself to get stuck in the wishing/dreaming stage because of the wrong steps or actions you rather let yourself get drowned in?

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The key to breaking free from the state of inertia and start propelling yourself forward is to start taking **Empowering Actions". Just like the literal meaning, empowering actions give us the strength and motivation to take actions that propel us to our goals rather than those that draw us back or stagnate us, empowering actions are refreshing, as they help create new perspectives, and reprogram our mindset for success.

On the other hand, disempowering actions are those that influence us negatively, draining our motivation and positive mindset, they keep us stagnant, making us do the wrong thing at the wrong time, at the end of the day, we achieve nothing, Let me create a relatable scenario for better understanding.

Imagine an author on Hive who sets a goal to become more active and grow his account, certain actions are expected from him, make research, become a regular poster, and engage more, but if he uses the time to either binge on Netflix without the intention to even write about it, or he chooses to sleep at the time he is supposed to do one of these activities, and always procrastinating, he is surely not going to attain any growth.

But when you start taking empowering actions, even if they seem difficult at first, taking little steps that align with your goal, gives you the drive and motivation that you can make your dream a reality, especially when you start experiencing little growth,

Some empowering actions to incorporate into your life include the following,

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Actions That Build New Skills

One of the most important empowering actions you can take as an individual is investing your time and resources into developing or learning new skills or knowledge that will help you reach your goals. You can't dream of becoming a doctor without going through the right process of education and training, no matter what you seek or desire, you need to be well equipped with the right knowledge, which could involve taking an online course, reading books and or even just watching instructional YouTube videos to pick up new knowledge, when I tell people that most knowledge I know about fashion designing were gotten just by watching Youtube videos, some are amazed while others are in disbelief, that is what taking up empowering actions through learning can help achieve.


Actions That Grow Your Network

Who are your friends, and where do you spend the quality of your time?
The people we surround ourselves with play a crucial role in our personal and professional growth, as well as the attitudes and mindsets we develop over time. Empowering actions would include putting ourselves in environments where we're expanding our connections with accomplished, supportive, and motivating individuals. Attend conferences or workshops related to your ambition, and building genuine networks through engagement, both online and offline, can help open ways for more connection

Actions That Improve Your Health

You can't achieve your goals if you are not in good health, check yourself, are you eating the right meals, drinking enough water, sleeping right, avoiding junk, exercise, these are all empowering actions we can follow to improve and have a long healthy life.

Actions That Face Your Fears

Everyone has that one thing that scares them, is it the fear of failure, or you are worried about what people would say, or just scared to take a risk that promises success, know that everyone, even the successful people already in the field you dream of once had that fear/mental roadblock. To overcome this phase of our lives we need to be intentional about facing these fears, that's the only way you know what lies on the other side. One of the most empowering things you can do is to start taking actions that prove your fears to be irrational.

Actions That Pre-Commit You to Your Goals

One of the hardest things about goals is staying committed since we often face difficulties on our road to success, reason why pre-commitment actions that lock you into your journey can be powerfully empowering. You can follow through by taking empowering actions like setting time-bound goals that often get refreshed, keeping on upgrading yourself, and taking up challenging projects to go a step higher in your pursuit.

Actions That Prime Your Mindset

Learn to feed your mind with positivity, try to stay away from negative thoughts and influence, follow social media accounts that share inspiring content, read uplifting quotes and affirmations each morning, or reflect on your "whys" and emotional motivations daily. Small, consistent habits that keep your mind oriented towards optimism and perseverance

Small Empowering Actions Lead to Massive Transformations

You don't need to have every little detail planned out in order to take the first empowering step. You just need to commit to doing something constructive and get started.

Whenever you notice yourself feeling stuck or falling into disempowering state of mind, ask yourself "What's one action I could take right now to get me back on track with my goals, and then do it. That is the difference taking empowering action help to give our lives a positive growth.

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