Strengthened Faith Helps Overcome Fear in Times of Difficulties | It's #LPUD Today!

I was about the age of 10 when we lost my last-born baby sister, she was close to celebrating her one-year birthday when a strange sickness struck, and all efforts to cure her proved abortive till her sad demise, I woke up that morning after having a nightmare that I was searching for her tirelessly but I couldn't find her, I was griped with fear because the dream was so vivid, I even felt this fear in the dream, and when I woke up I cried running to mum but there laid my sister in her arms, looking weak and pale, mum had just finished giving her the drugs prescribed by the doctor.


No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake off that heavy feeling of fear within me, it felt like a stone weight had been dropped on my heart, but I didn't understand what it meant we lost her the evening of that same day. That was the beginning of my fear of sickness and death, not for myself, because I've been graced my whole life with good health when someone around me falls ill I don't take it lightly, I would always want to find a solution for them to get better, my family was worried about this condition I was faced with, but couldn't do much since it was more of an internal/emotional problem, I guess I would be diagnosed with PTSD I was in an advanced country since I wasn't, I just grew up with this fear.

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Facing My Fear

You know what they say about our biggest fear showing face at the peak of our life, that was the same thing I faced, maybe I was gradually overcoming this fear, maybe not, I became a mum, and when my daughter clocked just the exact age I lost my sister, she became very ill, even displaying similar symptoms, awakening that spirit of fear in me, I've written about this experience before here on hive, we tried different hospitals but my daughter wasn't responding to treatment and almost gave up, I cried my eyes out in fear, not wanting to have what I fear the most happening to me, it became glaring that I had to face this fear square on before I could overcome it. It wasn't easy and I didn't overcome it on my own, I had support from my family and my Pastor.

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They were there to speak words of faith and positivity to help me strengthen my faith and also overcome that negative feeling of
what if", one word that was spoken to me that I still spread to every aspect of my life is that"God cannot give us more than we could be bear" meaning whatever I am facing right now, the feat of losing a loved one, my daughter at that, there was no way I would give up yo their feat and let negative thoughts cloud my mind.

I started speaking against the spirit of fears, mentally checking myself that I am always filled with positivity, no matter how challenging it was, I had to be there and strong for my daughter, she needed me to be strong for her and not give up to fear.

Miraculously, because there is no better word I can describe this event, we were advised to move to a different hospital, and that was the beginning of the healing process for my daughter, she was diagnosed and given the right treatment.

Our fear can only take the better part of us when we let it have the power, and guess what? The power is in your hands, you shouldn't let the spirit of fear take charge, no matter the situation, know that you are strong, look for ways to find a solution to what you are so scared about to overcome it, and one of the best ways to overcome fear is facing it squarely, and you would be amazed at the progress you attain. Circumstances would always cause fear in us, such is life, there will be good and bad times, celebrate the good times and learn or keep the good memories when passing through the bad moments to help you pass through it with strength.


In Other news, it's #LPUD today

Have you powered up your Leo? Apart from it being a save guard to the future fir more financial security, because Leo us sure to be bullish, you also stand a chance of winning Leo power delegation, if you meet the conditions required.


I have done my part by powering up 80 Leo, it's not too late for you to take part too, the 15th day of every month is set for #LPUD (Leo Power Up Day) in case you are just coming across this news for the first time.

#Aprilinleo Monthly topic also inspired my #LPUD post. You can also join in, get inspired daily on what to write on.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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