Burnout: A Modern Day Epidemic and How to Cope

If there is one sure thing you are bound to experience in my field of work as a fashion designer, it is Burnout, Fashion designing is a skill that requires both physical and mental obligation to achieve your goal for every project you embark upon, and often times, there is a limit our brain and body can attain, when you go beyond this limit, stress follows, which further leads o total burnout and breakdown if care is not taken, trust me, I've been there, and this state is not a pleasant state anyone would like to find themselves, because it can have a negative impact on one's general well being. Let me share with you about my last burnout experience.

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Last Christmas, I had lots of orders from clients, which is a good thing for my fashion business, and one common thing about Christmas/New Year orders is that they usually tend to have same delivery dates, which means my schedule at work would be so tight that I hardly had enough time to rest, both day and night, I had to work overtime to meet up, to make things worst, my assistance took that very busy moment of all moment to travel, I understand that people usually gather as a family every end of the year to keep up and have a fun moment, little did she know that a fashion designer is usually excluded from those norm, she Is a newbie in the game, until the festive season is over, that is when we really do take a break.

FaceApp_1682523572781_1.jpgAfter an exhausting day

Since I couldn't find a replacement within that short notice, I was left to do the work all alone, relying on coffee to stay awake all night, I went on like this for a full week before christmas, thankfully, I finished the job on ground, but I almost got finished from stress, the first signal was when I began to get easily irritated at anything and anyone, which the total opposite of my kind of person, I also lost so much weight and felt like a walking zombie, on christmas day, when everyone was wining and dining in jubilation, I was connected to an intravenous fluid and being treated by our family doctor, The money I thought I had made overworking myself all went for my hospital bills and treatment, I missed out on the fun and joy of the holiday season, worst still, the last dress I made had lots of complain from the client, she was surprised I made so many errors on her dress which is unlike me, because she was a regular and already knew my capabilities, I felt bad and had to apologize to her repetitively because she couldn't make it to the event she planned on attending due to the errors, thankfully, she beared and understood that I was under stress when I made her outfit, I imagined if she was a first time client, there was no way I could have convinced her that I actually could do my job.

In today's world, high stress and burnout have become an increasingly common phenomenon across various professions and not just fashion design alone, affecting our emotional and physical state of mind, further leading to mental exhaustion, which generally affects our overall quality of life, even our productivity is tampered with. Do you know that burnout is not just caused by overworking and stressing out, being emotionally down can also put us in a state of burnout, and there are several factors that can make us emotionally down.

How do you know you are in a state of burnout?

As I stated earlier, your emotions give the first signal, for me, I started getting easily irritated at any slight action from anyone, you also start to feel uninterested in things you were passionate about before, why? because you are overly invested, and this can make you start feeling down about your capabilities because your productivity is affected, trust me, I felt all these things. For some, your relationships with loved ones get strained, especially when they don't understand what you are going through, some physical symptoms may like tiredness, headaches, depression, lack of concentration and sleep disturbances are common when you experience burnout.


Coping Mechanism

  • Prioritize Self-Care

Since we can't do without our job or any factor that often causes us burnout, it is necessary for us to also prioritize our health, both physically, mentally, and emotionally by engaging in regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting adequate sleep. we could also take up hobbies that help us feel calm, watching movies, or listening to our favorite music as they all act as a stress reliever

  • Set Boundaries

In a bid to please all my clients, I displeased myself and my health, it is important for us to know when to set boundaries between our work and personal life. Resist the temptation of looking forward to the pay at the expense of your health, just like me, you might end up spending all you earned on hospital bills. Learn to say "no" to additional commitments when your plate is already full.

  • Seek Support

Don't try to do all the job alone, if it's the type that needs a helping hand, there is a reason for division of labor, as it helps us reduce stress when the work is shared. also seeking support from friends and family can help us stay emotionally strong.

  • Upgrade yourself in your skill

Finally, when you feel like, your passion for your job is declining due to burnout, you could go for an upgrade course to reignite the spark of your passion for your work and provide a sense of accomplishment.

In conclusion,

Burnout is a serious issue that should not be ignored or brushed aside. By recognizing the signs and taking proactive steps to address them, we can prevent the detrimental consequences of burnout and live a healthier and more productive life. Burnout is a modern-day epidemic that can have severe implications for individuals' well-being and productivity. By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, seeking support, pursuing professional development,also seeking professional help when needed, we can develop effective coping mechanisms to combat burnout.

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