
Warm Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone! I did like to use these mediums to welcome you all to my blog and another exciting edition of hive learners.

This is quite an interesting area of my daily living I am quite happy to talk about. It will definitely be a good read for me to say.

So, growing up, my parents were more of a physical shopper so, I did say it has been basically what I have always been doing my whole life.

At a time when technology was still struggling to gain the grounds it has now on things, I say physical shopping was simply the order of the day, but as time went on, technology started to creep in, and things began to change.

Been a position of choosing which I prefer as I am now, I will say I did go physical Shopping. There stand to be a lot of reasons why I choose physical shopping and some of them I will therefore take the pleasure to indulge you all on it.

Physical shopping has very much been what I have been brought up with, it is part and parcel of me. To say, there stand to be lots of things we can get now from online shopping, but that doesn't give us enough leverage we get while doing physical shopping.


  • Pricing One significant leverage we get from physical shopping, is the ability of us to express our own will on what we did like to pay for what we are buying. For instance, going to maybe a bag of rice from the market and you are been told it will cost ten dollars ($10) you can as well bargain such price and get it lesser than the original price kept.

  • Ability to know what you are actually paying for Placing an order for something you want is one thing, on the other hand knowing the authenticity of what you are ordering is another. There is this issue of what I ordered vs what I got which has likely been the case of online shopping. What we see in the pictures of the item we like to purchase are mostly different from what we get once these items are been delivered to us. So physically shopping gives you the ability to properly validate what you are wanting to buy.

  • Instant buy and Delivery One Leverage we get from physical shopping stands is the ability to pay for what you want and immediately take your goods home. This is something online shopping can not do for now. Shopping online takes time before it gets to be delivered to you, some take days, some take weeks, some months, and so on depending on when the order is placed and when the stock is available in the company you ordered from.

I can go on and on about the leverages we get from physical shopping, I did like to give a pause here. On the other hand, online shopping to has its leverage, but I did say it does not work out for me though.

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