Recognizing & My Simple Approach To Tackling Burnout.

Being a writer on Hive blockchain has made it a lot easier for me to detect exhaustion before it becomes really complicated and I swing into action to tackle burnout immediately because the longer it takes for me to attend to it, the worse it becomes for me. I am one of those writers who can develop any topic within an hour and writing almost every day for years now has helped me grow into the kind of writer I am today but there are times when it takes longer before I can come up with anything reasonable while writing and this happens as a result of being physically and mentally stressed.

Struggling to develop topics and most especially prompts on Hive is a typical symptom of feeling exhausted because this is something I do with ease on a good day. There is actually no cause for alarm when we experience burnout because it's natural for every human to hit that point after going through any form of mental or physical stress.

Let's assume a machine is used for the same purpose every day without a break or maintenance, a time will come when the machine will stop functioning properly and the same thing applies to humans. We can't continue doing the same thing every day and not expect burnout at some point, it will eventually come and we must be prepared.

There are numerous ways to tackle burn out and it's important that everyone knows what works best for them, the things that work for you might only complicate things for me and vice-versa. Whether it's writer's block or burnout as a whole, I always know immediately it pops up because I have studied myself and understand the symptoms.

Whenever I start seeing the signs, taking a break is the first thing that comes to mind and it's the best decision you can make to prevent worsening the situation. It's the same thing as turning off your engine when it starts misbehaving to prevent more damage. The signs are quite simple for me, they include exhaustion, emotional depletion and even zero productivity. Once I start observing any of these things, I know it's time to rest.

Some days ago, I told a friend on Hive about how challenging it was for me to engage on Hive and the first thing she said was to take a break which means it's the same thing for every one of us.

It doesn't end with just the break for me because these symptoms lurk around when I don't do anything to get rid of them. They will definitely go but I always want them to leave earlier than they want.

Aside from taking a break, I practice more self-care which starts with distancing myself from anything that might have caused the burnout or worsened the situation. I try as much as possible to stay away from my devices, it might be challenging but I just have to do it.

When my devices are away, I have automatically paved a way for enough rest time. I sleep as much as I can, eat at the right time and engage in other activities that don't stress me. I spend more time having physical interaction instead of just staying glued to my devices. Having physical interaction helps a lot and when I have someone around to just chat with, it's always like they get to lift a weight from my head.

Finally, spending time in nature helps a lot. I have said many times that my connection with nature is on a whole different level. It seems am the only person nature absorbs exhaustion from and refreshes me.

All these things work perfectly for me and I feel a lot better when I tackle burnout naturally than taking drinks to do the job like I did sometimes ago. Taking care of exhaustion shouldn't be a problem as long as we are in control of our bodies. Once you can sense it, take the necessary steps that work best for you.

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