Passing The Torch Of Success And Financial Stability.

The act of empowering people is one thing that really matters in the world we live in today and I admire a lot of people who consider that as a responsibility. I told someone recently that the opportunities available in the world today aren't enough and it requires a level of connection you must have to take advantage of them. Without these opportunities, a lot of talents that could have done the world a lot of good would gone unnoticed. Thanks to technology as well because without it, these empowerments wouldn't even have circulated as it should.

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The importance of empowering people can't be quantified and it's one of the reasons why I admire the Igbo tribe in Nigeria. They have successfully helped themselves by empowering the younger generation to an extent. The Igbos run a system whereby an Igbo entrepreneur trains young boys for some certain years. When these boys have grown and mastered the trade, they set them up and this has helped their tribe to flourish, it's one of the reasons why the tribes are well-respected business-wise.

Empowerment within the family is quite important and it can happen in different ways. If we look around the world today, the majority of the wealthy people out there had one sort of empowerment or another and it helped them with succeeding further in life. As I mentioned earlier, empowerment can come in different ways and one of the most important is financial empowerment.

Financial empowerment is a typical example and it includes helping someone financially to probably set up a business or support their dreams. If we are been honest with ourselves, I believe that financial empowerment is one of the needed forms of empowerment a lot of people are seeking today.

For every human, life becomes easy when you don't have to bother about some things while growing up. Let's imagine a child who was born into a family that is financially capable of providing for the child's needs. Such a child doesn't have to worry about feeding, tuition fees or anything.

It extends further into the child becoming an adult, he or she wouldn't have to struggle with what his or her peers are struggling with at their youthful stage; while their mates are seeking a job, they can decide to take over their parent's business or start their own and that's all. This way, we have seen families pass on generational wealth and it's awesome when the platform for you to succeed has been prepared by the previous generation.

My understanding of family empowerment has made it mandatory for me to be successful because I don't want my children to go through the same thing I went through in life. At my previous place of work, I had a colleague who was of my age. We earned the same salary but he was doing very much better than me in many ways.

He was able to get into a transportation business because he had very little to spend on. He lives in one of his father's houses and doesn't bother about rent when I spend three months of my salary on rent every year. His parents are doing better than him so they expect nothing from him unlike me who has family responsibilities to take care of. I appreciate my family's support though because they have empowered me in many ways which has helped me to be where I am today.

I believe so much in the need for empowerment within the family because it makes life a lot easier for every member of the family. At the moment, I have different plans for my siblings and hope they manifest quickly. These plans will help them go through their tertiary education without experiencing any financial challenges. Life after school will be a lot easier as well whether they choose to stick to the plan or do something even better.

My children aren't exempted, I have a lot in store for me to make life a lot easier for me. It doesn't mean everything would come in a platter of gold because no matter how good things can look, they have to struggle and work hard, it's a way of preparing them for the future.

This is my entry today's prompt and the initiative is open to every member of the Hive community so feel free to check the announcement post

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