My April LPUD Participation.

It's another LEO Power Up Day, and I am excited to be participating even though I haven't been consistent with powering up exactly on the 15th of every month. I have cultivated the habit of just powering up bit by bit on random days, and it's okay with me since I share a common goal with other members of the community, which is to have more LEO staked. The figure isn't increasing as planned, but every step counts. As long as there is consistency, those tiny drops will definitely amount to something huge someday.

Image was designed by me on Canva

Seeing the increase in the LEO price recently made me happy and unhappy at the same time. I was excited to see the effort of the community members reflecting positively on the price of the token, and on the other hand, I wish I had more LEO tokens sitting in my wallet. Regardless of what I felt, I believe that we are far away from the best LEO token has to offer, so acquiring more now is still a good decision.

Last month was a huge one for me, as I engaged a lot within the Leo community, and it paid off in a way I wasn't expecting. I find the INLEO daily prompts very interesting to write about, and they boost my engagement within the community. After the March Inleo prompt ended, I was fortunate to be among the winners and that earned me a free premium subscription from the INLEO team, which made me very happy.

I was looking forward to signing up for the premium subscription, and getting it as a reward is awesome. I can't thank the INLEO team enough, and doubling my engagement on Hive through the INLEO frontend will express my gratitude to some extent. If you aren't participating in the Inleo daily prompt yet, you are missing out on a whole lot of things.

For April LEO Power Up Day, I decided to stake 70 LEO tokens, which took my total stake to 672.

All screenshots are from Inleo frontend

The process was smooth and it's easy for anyone who wants to participate, it's definitely not a buggy one that might discourage you easily.

Since my steady engagement on INLEO, the monthly power-up has been ringing in my head for a few days because whenever I check the Aprilinleo prompt chart, I get the reminder always. To get the token I staked, I just had to purchase some LEO in addition to the ones I already acquired through delegating to @Leo.voter and participating in different Hive communities weekend threads; winning a few LEO tokens every weekend helped a lot, and I am not considering stopping now.

The new LEO Power Up Day will be here before we know it, and in preparation for that, I will continue with my engagement on INLEO to bag more tokens, so if I need to buy, it won't be that much. I am happy to be a participant this month and would encourage you to take part in the Aprilinleo task; it's a massive initiative.

A big shout-out to everyone working effortlessly to take this great community to the next level. Happy New Week, family.


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