Day 320 Russia mobilizes Belarus

Denis the pilot comes back and biggest news is Ukrainian forces are forced nearly out of Soledar. Yesterday while heavy fighting was reported and Russian forces were thrown out apparently the continuous human wave attacks slowly pushes its way into the city.

Even further quick reaction forces are being called up to bolster these sections of Frontline fighting. Good thing that Ukrainian forces have an amazing operational rotation so we are going to see Russian forces ending up meeting a stiff amount of resistance. However allowing Russian forces to continue advancing and exposing attacking elements just means these attacking elements are able to be targeted. So in a way it is really good that Russian forces are exposing themselves and we can then see the Ukrainian forces working on countering the advances. On the west side of the city high ground dominates which basically makes this entire area it kill zone. Tactically giving up ground and using the drain to your advantage is an exceptionally important skill that the Ukrainian military has continued to learn. Even though Russian forces are advancing and taking small gains it really doesn't matter as Ukrainian forces have taken exceptionally in large amounts of territory recently and can't afford to give up small little chunks in order to cause untold damage upon advancing forces.

Well yes the front line is advancing. However it's just not advancing at a significant rate. Definitely not a large enough for us to see anything really come of it. It's not good news however it is definitely not bad. As the sale of your lining means that we are going to see continuous losses by the Russian front line.

Engles air force base
Holy cow we are looking at a massive amount of defensive and military operations to protect this air base. Retaining walls being put up to minimize shrapnel damage as well as all sorts of other interesting defensive improvements. The only problem is this Air Base has been consistently targeted and hit. So that basically makes this entire situation pretty crazy. The fact that we see a air base within Russia having to dig in and make serious large-scale modifications to the air base is pretty incredible. But it's more incredible is the fact that they're really is no reprisals coming from the Russians and they can't do anything about the fact that Ukrainian forces are able to hit them with impunity.

Russian oil

Cascade of failures is really starting to wreak havoc with dirty Russian gas that isn't as high quality as other nations being price-capped. Also we are seeing international transport services refusing to deal with Russian petroleum products over in inability to ensure the cargo. And these issues continue cascading upon the Russian petroleum industry. The more these stack up the more it costs to ship which drives down the profit margin.


Continue shipments of Russian troops supposedly on the way to basic training and most likely awaiting of continued build up our starting to really stack up and we are seeing quite a bit of intelligence coming out.

In a really interesting idea it sounds like Ukrainian forces might be getting striker armor fighting vehicles which are the next evolution from the Bradley infantry Fighting vehicle so we're going to see an exceptional addition to Ukrainian combative capability here pretty quick..

You're pretty quick we will see if Ukrainian forces are going to go on a major offensive or if the continued careful tactical work is going to continue.

United Kingdom might send 10 of the Challenger 2 main battle tanks which obviously out class out armor and outrange all of the current Russian fielded main battle tanks.

Plus we have continued talk about having Poland send a bunch of them leopard 2 tanks. Ukrainian forces are absolutely shutting up multiple supply lines and logistic systems however the shift over NATO standard inventory equipment means expedited repair and logistics issues are solved.

Starting this off Ukrainian civilians are being played with mines and unexploded ordinances. Over a third of Ukraine has been saturated with mines and ordinance necessitating most likely 50 to 100 years of decontamination and hunting. Heavy concentration of these mines are littered everywhere.

Biggest problems that the city that is under siege now is facing happens to be water followed closely by electricity supply disruptions and heating.

Only 10,000 remain in Bakhmut living in basements and underground shelters however this is only 10% of the original population is left as so many more have wisely decided to leave the area seeking shelter elsewhere.

Mass of the Mount of volunteers are needed two support that population that is left.

Belarusia is trying to lock up a journalist for challenging the narrative over there. Belarus really doesn't like her reporting so she's facing 12 years in jail. Belarus needs to eliminate any opposition to its narrative to survive however this is going to lead to some massive blowback. Of course it sounds like a bunch of really crazy churches however the tax evasion part is pretty funny as apparently this reporter is a really large deal over there.

Lithuania is going to start turning away Russian immigrants trying to escape country. In an incredible move legislation is coming out preventing people from leaving Russia as of course I'm seeing some major issues with the mobilization and the fact that massive amounts of Russians are leaving the country. A lot of those immigrants might not be who they say they are and need the proper vetting process before being allowed out of the country.

First off is Belarus shipping in massive amounts of Russian soldiers under the idea that it is just for training pretty much the exact same reason that set up this entire preliminary invasion. It's being closely monitored and watched by Ukrainian forces as well as the population of Belarus they really don't want to get to a war.

And then they pivot over to the central pocket where the private military contracting group Wagner has been using human wave attacks with poorly trained prisoners recently deployed to the front lines.

Su 57 Russian stealth deployed

The su-57 has only entered into Russian service in 2020 and only 21 of these airframes have ever been completed so this is a priceless amount of capability that Russia is now deploying on the front lines. These are completely invaluable and this underlines the complete and total desperation that Russia really has going for it right now. The fact that fifth generation multi roll testing aircraft are now being deployed and not even allowed into Ukraine over concerns of losing them are extremely well founded. Sure would be a shame for Ukrainian Air defense 2 pop one of those and drop it out of the sky. NATO countries would be really interested in gaining access to Russian 5th generation airframes. However the capabilities are extremely lacking and nowhere close to 4th generation Plus NATO capabilities and I really don't think that Russian quality for stealth aircraft is anywhere close to USA produced f-35s.

On paper we see these weapon systems being very comparable to Western systems however once we hit the battlefield all the sudden the technology Gap and true capabilities really come out.

T14 Armada only 20 of them were ever built.

Su-57 only 21 of them were ever built and one of them which was the first one actually had a mechanical failure and got destroyed.

Ka 52 helicopters only about 100 of them have been produced and we have seen a bunch of them already become casualties.

Quality equipment theoretically on paper is comparable to Western systems however the lack of numbers and the lack of capability for Russia to produce them in amounts that would actually do something is quite a bit of a different story.

Once again this channel reports limited advancements and having fighting in the central pocket.

Biggest takeaway on listening to his analysis is Russian forces are fighting an uphill battle and we're just going to continue watching them getting slapped around by Ukrainian forces. The more that we watch this conflict the more that the entire idea Russian forces are superior has been completely debunked and flush down the toilet. Everything from logistics to small unit tactics and even simple reaction to combat, the Russian forces and Red army really have been the worst enemy. Add to it little to no operational control by Red army leadership. All the issues with war crimes rapes looting and drunkenness really shows a huge lack of capability from the Russian Red army. So basically it is going to be an extreme situation for Russia to end up figuring out how to recover this entire situation. It is pretty hard to figure out some way too recover this situation after so many issues and situations that have gone on this long without being fixed.

And the more that we see this continuing the further we are going to see more destruction of the Red army against an extremely professional completely evolved first world military. Basically since Ukrainian forces are able to deal with the entire Russian advance and stop them as well as defeated them four times in a row with major offensive. I guess the world has to just admit Russia is only number three and Ukraine is now number two in the world.

A really good and very interesting idea is Ukrainian forces are offering the central pocket and feeding Russians enough hope that they are able to continue these offensives even in the face of overwhelming odds and the fact that they are being set up. This actually makes a lot of sense and I'm not exactly sure how you can get around this really simple and crazy fact. Somehow someway Russia is getting enticed to continue this offensive most likely because Ukrainian forces are slowly giving ground in an attempt that is extremely successful here to continue enticing the Red army and it's blundering advance. Kind of like how a matador does with a bull especially one that has lost enough blood that it starts getting confused about what is going on.

Infographics really covers all of this from the beginning of the disastrous Northern invasion from Belarus all the way to the southern front collapse and complete retreat from a brutal choke point. That is just the beginning of all the problems that we see from the Red army and Russia as well as the projected rise of USSR version 2.0 and the Soviet dream suddenly getting flushed down the toilet. Had to the military situation you've also got the economic situation and massive amount of sanctions.

Ukrainian forces went up against the best that the current Russian military has and definitely we watched the most capable of Russian Red army smash into the Ukrainian forces however even though the situation look extremely desperate. The extremely hardcore Ukrainian people refuse to give up and continued fighting back. Ukraine has suffered invasions however it still has yet to suffer an actual defeat. Basically now Ukraine leads 4-0 in this conflict and there's only more coming down the pipeline.

First guards armored brigade was the most capable Russian armored force that was supposed to crash into any projected NATO advance into Russia. However it wasn't built to handle extremely cold weather logistical problems and command and control issues. It definitely wasn't built to handle an opponent that had complete and total access to all of the Red army communications. That is the most deciding factor of this entire conflict the fact that Russian troops cannot communicate without directly sharing all that information with the Ukrainian military. Having that much integration between both military forces ended up stabbing Russia right in the back. The fact that we saw the best and most capable from Russia getting harassed and targeted constantly from all sides watch this historic unit lose its combat effectiveness and eventual defeat. Not only that but the defeat saw this unit retreat and confusion as well as abandoning a massive amount of its priceless equipment on battlefield don't forget this continued to arm the Ukrainian forces with all the abandoned equipment now being turned against the Red army and salvage crews going through and picking up a massive amount of equipment again to be reused.

Russia was hoping to wait out Ukraine and the expectation of financial collapse was completely and totally averted by Western aid. Western and international military support has stopped any sinking of the economy. Don't forget we've also got massive amounts of Ukrainian grain ships going out and the Black Sea is absolutely open to Ukrainian grain exports saving the international aid that is averting massive amounts of world hunger with the Ukrainian grain supplies.

One of the biggest things covered in this is the continued nuclear weapons threats by Vladimir Putin against the rest of the world which is completely and totally uncalled for. And in my mind is going to seriously be addressed at the end of this conflict. However threatening the entire global population comes with massive repercussions as well as a shifting of world opinion.

Since Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats the entire world has really publicized this and this really has pushed public opinion against Russia.

This entire conflict has been a complete escalation by the Red army from the best units being involved at the beginning of this all the way to the now infamous terror campaign and Iranian drone swarms. The fact that they had to acquire other munitions as they are obviously having a problem with the extreme lack of access to adequate precision weapon manufacturing.

Russia is murdering its image worldwide and cannibalizing its own economy and country to continue this war. Public opinion is going to be against Russian citizens for decades to come and it's going to take a massive amount of positive action for that to change. I really don't think that the world is going to forget about threats of nuclear Holocaust worldwide because Russia lost a war against ukraine.

Every time the United States refuses to supply Ukraine with weapons because it might escalate this war it is denying Ukraine the ability and the equipment to defend itself. Absolutely top of the line we're fighting equipment should be delivered including long range precision multiple rocket launch system munitions and of course main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles should headline the list.

The United States and other countries are of course now really getting with it and finally starting to ship adequate amounts of weapons. However a lot of people are saying that the delay has cost a massive amount of lives in this conflict and I can completely agree with that.

Also covered in this pretty cool show is the fact that Russia can't bomb Ukraine into submission. And really that entire idea historically is incapable of achieving any kind of results.

Ironically the lack of intelligence for the Russian forces means that the only solid targets that Red army can hit would be the civilian power infrastructure and that's the reason why we see so much damage being rained down. This absolutely makes sense because I really don't see Russia kidding enough intelligence to understand what's all going on and as well Ukrainian disinformation campaigns like all of the American Mobile multiple rocket launch systems on the front line mostly include fakes. That's right you've got a bunch of dummy targets stash all over this battlefield and the Red army really has big huge problem figuring out exactly which ones are valid targets as well as which ones are completely fake. The fact that Ukrainian forces have digital communication systems means that open communications can feed the Red army all sorts of backward incorrect data.

However the entire idea of attacking the civilian infrastructure now has consolidated the Russian willpower and inspired the community to make further sacrifices for the greater good of the country and survival massive amounts of international aid as well as ingenious wood heaters being built and shipped to the front lines constantly, is really relieving with pressure and damage to Ukrainian people.

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