Week through Adrian's Lenses (8-14 May 2023)

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Let's see what we have for this week's roundup.

Week on Hive

Leofinance Everywhere

People love gamification and prizes. So much so that they've got the Leofinance interface in trouble for a while this week due to the increased traffic on Threads.

Two noticeable updates coming from Leofinance this week refer to:

Hive Core Development Updates

There's a lot being worked on by Blocktrades team and the other core developers. I want to remark that the RC code is being refactored to be included in the consensus at some point, which means after that happens it can't be changed except by hard fork. I've noticed for some time already more focus on either developing or revamping tools that are important for secure transactions, like non browser-based wallets and now a separate tool for managing encryption keys. For details, do read both howo's update and blocktrades' update.

Note that currently muting someone's post within a community apparently mutes it everywhere. That's a bug that will be worked on by @howo.

Updates from BROfund

BROfund came out with a development update this week.

Even more, looks like @raymondspeaks is going to do a weekly video update for BROfund. This is the first.

He also started - together with @stickupboys - their own weekly podcast about crypto and BRO which runs on Tuesdays. This is the first episode from this week.

Good luck bros!

Serfdom & Sorcery Is Growing in Popularity

A full week for PsyberX's Discord game S&S.

We have a kind of a whitepaper published for it.

S&S helped PsyberX's Discord surpass 3000 users, with over 500 players of the game 5 days ago.

And @bobthebuilder2 was invited at CTT to talk about S&S.

Week in the Crypto World

To Filter or Not to Filter Bitcoin Spam?

Big debate on what action to be taken (if any) against BRC-20 spam tokens on bitcoin, among the bitcoin devs. Hmm, filter = censor. If they go that road, what makes them stop there? Next time it won't be bitcoin spam, it would be something else. It would be hard to get such changes agreed upon anyway, since miners win a lot through these spammy transactions.

If they don't filter spam transactions, bitcoin base layer will soon become inaccessible for p2p transactions. Everything will move to the centralized and controllable Lightning Network nodes.

And this seems to be the attack vector chosen for bitcoin. Will it succeed?

Binance Exits Canada

After new guidance on stablecoins and investor limits, Binance decided to exit Canada. Interestingly, CZ is a Canadian citizen.

Paypal Holds Almost $1B Worth of Crypto

Paypal holds almost $1B of mainly BTC and ETH in custody for their users, via 3rd parties, according to this article. That's interesting. Not only do you trust Paypal with your crypto, you trust 3rd parties from Paypal in reality too.

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