Week through Adrian's Lenses (27 July - 2 August 2024)

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This is the #82nd edition of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week. We cover:


  • Breakaway Communities
  • Hivefest
  • Hive Borehole
  • Hive Keychain
  • Waivio and Social Shops
  • Distriator
  • LBI
  • Golem Overlord
  • Holozing
  • Ragnarok


  • Bitcoin Conference
  • Russia's CBDC

Week on Hive

13 of 27 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

In the Spotlight

The SPK Network Team Officially Released Breakaway Communities

If you've been on Hive since the legacy chain, you remember old discussions about something called SMTs (Smart Media Tokens). SMTs are history since a different approach was taken on the new chain, which we now know as Hive. Instead of monetized communities (and other types of tokens) introduced at the base layer, the choice of introducing smart contract capabilities at the second layer was made, to avoid congestion of the infrastructure at the base layer.

Things are still under development, with bits and pieces being developed by different teams for various use cases.

As far as I see it, the Breakaway Communities developed by the SPK Network will evolve in the future into monetized communities, a little bit like SMTs intended to make communities on Hive, but not quite like that.

Breakaway Communities are or will be based on 3 sources:

  • an existing Hive community (feature already created)
  • an author or group of authors (coming later)
  • a tag or group of tags (coming later)

They are based on a fork of the Ecency front-end, and the creator of a Breakaway Community needs a domain name and web hosting for the personalized community.

The announcement also talks about personalization for various Bitcoin communities, where login would be with a bitcoin address. If you missed it at the end, there is a tutorial on how to set up a Breakaway Community recorded by @eddiespino.

Rewards, we find out, will be a combination of classic Proof of Brain and a points system, where users with more points will receive more rewards each week. Likely, we are talking about second layer tokens (on SPK? on VSC?) which will be rewarded.

Marketing / Awareness / Branding

New Updates on Hivefest 2024

The update introduces 5 more speakers on this year's Hivefest on 4 topics. Two of them represent the Liotes project on Hive (@ph1102 and @achim03). @eturnerx will likely talk about the computer revolution in the 80s and the evolution until Web 3 gaming now.

At Hivefest 2024 in Croatia, there will also be Miss Bitcoin from El Salvador (@missbitcoin-sv) and Joel from Dash, speaking about "The Evolution of Freedom Money".

And finally, the schedule of the day post-conferences includes a full day of boat trip on the Adriatic Sea, with a spectacular itinerary.

Hive-Funded Borehole in Ghanaian Media

It's good to see the launches of new Hive-funded boreholes being covered in the Ghanaian Media. It happened this time too. As the author remarks, it would be great to see this coverage picked up by media outlets at the international level.

Governance / Development / Dapps / Education

Keychain Now Has Auto-Staking for Hive Engine Tokens

The new version 3.6 of Hive Keychain for Firefox and Chromium introduced the possibility to auto-stake selected Hive Engine tokens. That can be a serious time saver for users who stake certain tokens as the default option. In the same announcement, the team mentioned a massive update coming for mobile next week.

Social Shops Reviews and Wavio AI Assistant

@social.gifts talks about the importance of reviews for social shops for SEO, and for shop owners and not only, Waivio now has an AI assistant to answer questions, provide step-by-step instructions, or proofread and translate.

Complete Guide on How to Get Rewarded by Distriator.com By Posting About Your Purchases

This seems like a complete guide on how to get rewarded by distriator.com. Straightforward and without many explanations. The steps are simple for someone who is familiar with Hive (not sure for someone new), and they give clear instructions. Where I believe it might lack a bit is in the number of steps. Fewer would be better, even if not all of them are necessary to get rewarded.

LBI Project Under New Management

An attempt to revive the LBI project is being made by moving it under the management of @jk6276 from @silverstackeruk. The former presented some plans to revive the project and already started to actively get involved after fully taking it over.


Golem Overlord Conquest Mode Pre-Alpha Release

As the title says, it's a new game mode. In pre-alpha, it's available to test only by VIP players, but I guess regular players can have a sneak peak to select the golems for the battle and look at this announcement for some details. But they can't play... yet.

Holozing Updates

This is a short but useful post from the team with some numbers that can give someone an indication of how many collection rewards they might expect daily, based on their achievement NFT and considering the number of claims (about 1/3 of the total being sent, at the time of the post).

Also, I forgot to link acidyo's post about Healer abilities, items, and... talent trees from last week in the previous news report. First time he briefly mentions talents, I believe.

Ragnarok X Space Coming

The new developer of Ragnarok, @simplegame, will participate in a co-hosted space with @eddiespino on X on August 2nd (that's today!), at 23:00 UTC, to discuss Ragnarok's game development, including game mechanics and future plans. Here's the announcement.

Week in the Crypto World

Bitcoin Conference in Nashville Was... Mainstream

Looks like their focus was to have at this conference a number of people that are recognizable by the regular people, not only by the crypto people, culminating with Trump. Everyone talked about his speech, as well as others, like the ones of Michael Saylor, or senator Cynthia Lummis.

Russia Has Putin's Blessing to Go Onto the CBDC Route

Shortly after Trump's speech at Bitcoin Conference (as a reaction to it?), Putin decided to sign the digital ruble bill into law, which will lead to a Ruble-linked CBDC. The Chinese already have their digital Yuan (which is in effect a CBDC), so looks like on the BRICS side the CBDCs are gaining traction as on the Western side already established public blockchains are preferred, especially if they get tamed (and they do).

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