Week through Adrian's Lenses (23-29 October 2023)

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This is the #42nd issue of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week.

Week on Hive

24 of 58 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

Hive Blockchain Summit and Caracas Blockchain Week in an Impressive Tour de Force in Venezuela

Normally, I would have kept this news for my "Life of Hive" section, but when I paid more attention to the implications and interconnections of these events on Hive, I had to put it first.

First of all, Caracas Blockchain Week (CBW), as the name implies, is by itself a week-long event (actually, 5 days). It started on the 24th and ended yesterday, and had two main parts. The first 3 days were dedicated to a Hackathon and workshops, and the following 2 days were conference days.

Hive was a main sponsor of the event, and not fewer than 7 speakers from Hive presented during the conference days.

Not only that, but SPK Network took part to the Hackathon to stress test their new testnet for SPK Network. This is the preliminary announcement regarding the SPK Network Hackathon, and today we could find the winners too.

After CBW, Hive Blockchain Summit follows, with one day in Caracas today, followed by 3 days of touring Lechería and Cumaná. Here are all the details from the official hive.io post.

Here are a few posts from the community regarding CBW:

InLeo Premium Was Launched. Preparing For LeoAds Next Week.

This week InLeo rolled out the Premium subscription, initially on Labs and a few days later on the main website. I've wrote a more in-depth post about it yesterday, so I won't repeat some of the things I said there, but an important remark that I didn't make in yesterday's post is that a big piece of the development for Premium subscriptions is represented by the HBD payment system which will be used for future components of InLeo, as the Patreon-like subscription model.

Next week, on November 1st, LeoAds is slated to be released. Unlike Premium, I don't expect it to be as impactful on the UX side, but hopefully it will be through its effects.

It's worth noting that, as far as I remember from a past InLeo AMA, in the first stage we won't see a distribution of ad revenue based on evergreen content, only on Leo Power. The former would be added later.

Interim DHF Proposal to Fund the VSC Network Development

VSC Network is asking for an interim funding for the next 4 months from the DHF. At the end of the period a testnet for VSC Network should be completed, and then a new proposal would be made for further funding requirements.

At this time, the proposal is short by about 2.5m HP to pass the threshold to being funded.

3Speak Development Update

I like the way the new development update looks for 3Speak. It's not a mere list of features added or being worked on, they also have devs working on those features explaining them in short videos. Check it out!

DCity - Popularity Changes, Students Airdrop

I don't know about you, but after the decrease of population bonus from popularity (after a governance vote), I am way in the red, needing hundreds more people to hire...

Did anyone want more use cases for LEO? Staked LEO holders received an airdrop on dCity, 1 student for every 500 staked LEO, max 50 students.

Also, a collection of SIM BOX NFTs is incoming for SIM Club members at some point...

Here are the details.

Contest from Holozing

Holozing is holding a naming contest for its 4 starter characters. Winner for each name will receive 200 POSH for a total of 800 POSH (roughly 250 HIVE at the time of their post).

Speaking of Holozing, the ZING:SWAP.HIVE diesel pool has been created and started distributing rewards. If you need a crash course on diesel pools, @acidyo wrote a guide as if the reader didn't use liquidity pools at all until now.

Central European Rally 2023

This week, our Hive rally car participated at another race. I expect next week we will have the professionally edited images and videos from the race, but until then, let's see what we have so far.

I haven't been able to follow up on this, but there was (is it over?) a Zealy campaign with 1,500 USD in prizes associated with this race, for liking or retweeting content on X about our Hive rally car.

@lodbutterfly shared plenty of content about the race on his X account.

Our Hive rally car driver, @ssekulji, documented his impressions every day of the race on his account. I could link some posts, but if you are a rally fan, you probably should check all recent ones out.

Are you familiar with SPI's Subsidiary Projects?

This is something projects on Hive should do more often. Not everyone is going to hunt down announcement posts for every project, so a reminder for older users and an introduction to new users is necessary from time to time. This is one way of doing it.

Raymond Speaks About Legion

Raymond from BROfund wrote a post this week outlining the present and future of Legion, the younger project born in an attempt to open BROfund to a wider audience.

VIMM Explains What Happened and Wnat's Next

VIMM explains what happened and why their website was (and continues to be) down. If you ever used the platform, or even if you believe having a live streaming platform like VIMM on Hive is important, this is a must read.

Serfdom and Sorcery Added Pets

To be honest, S&S is moving too fast for me. But probably that's because I'm not fully immersed in the game, as I have plenty of other things to do. But this is a vivid community and they often add new discord servers where the game can be played. And since the tokens are on Hive-Engine, that can only be good for our ecosystem. Here's the game update.

Monthly Town Hall Next Week

Next week on Wednesday is scheduled the second Town Hall meeting for Hive, in the new format and organizers. Invited are representatives of many of the main dApps on Hive. Here's the announcement.

Life of Hive

McSamm Talking About Ghana Boreholes in Amsterdam

This is not from this week, and I included this news in a previous roundup, but I want to share it again to describe the QR codes he embedded in his presentation, which are linked to his blog posts announcing the completion of each borehole in Ghana. A way for the audience to follow up on the presentation interactively, and be guided to a Hive interface at the same time.

News from Ghana

Speaking of Ghana boreholes, #12 in Asamankama is approaching completion.

And the Hive team was able to talk about their accomplishments such as "the Hive borehole project, educational resources, and health screening programs" on Ghanaian radio stations.

Let's Go to the Philippines!

... where the DBuzz team started their "go-to-market and retention strategy" with a donation of Hive-branded notebooks, a presentation and upgrading the website of Jesus J. Soriano National High School from Davao City. Let's see the details!

Also in the Philippines, another episode in the series of Hive Orientation and OCD Onboarding program took place in Malingin Elementary School of Bogo District. It took me a while to understand how these events are mixed together and what everyone is doing over there, but I think I got it. The Hive Orientation part introduces different aspects of Hive to the audience, while onboarders for OCD Onboarding are responsible to bring at least one new Hive user to these events. I hope I got these right.

Week in the Crypto World

Polygon 2.0 Is Built with POL Instead of MATIC

Looks like the roadmap for Polygon 2.0 sees a new token POL to replace MATIC in the future. Nothing to be done by users, apps or investors right away, even though the contract for POL has been deployed on Ethereum.

Crypto Investors by Country...

We know this cannot be exact (for good reason), especially in the crypto sphere, but after running into this article, I decided to check and see if there are some stats made by countries. Looks like there are. Here's one such study.

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