Week through Adrian's Lenses (16-22 March 2024)

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This is the #63rd edition of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week.

Week on Hive

11 of 24 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

In the Spotlight

Hive at 4 Years

On 20.03.2020, Steem got forked to give birth to Hive, as a last resort to defend against a centralizing and unscrupulous actor who thought he bought Steem, not Steemit, Inc. A big part of the community and projects moved to the new fork, Hive. History shows that, between the two options, they made the right choice, from all points of view.

This week it's been 4 years since that event, and we've seen people on Hive celebrating it. Whether they call it Hive anniversary, birthday, or Fork Day, we all know what that is.

In 4 years, the code of Hive changed so much that it is unrecognizable from the old forked version, while nothing much changed on the legacy chain. I just checked, they haven't had even one major hard fork since Hive separated from them, while Hive had 4 major versions and countless other minor versions, plus a series of advancements to non-consensus software.

At the ecosystem level, in the last year alone there were significant updates that were so well put together and presented in the post by hive.io. The post features at the end other authors who have talked about the event.

Marketing / Awareness / Branding

Strategizer Made Some Suggestions to Improve Marketing via @valueplan

Some people think we have too little or bad marketing, and others that we don't use marketing at the right time. Either way, discussing it and improving processes should help.

Media Ripples after the Hive Tech Conference in Ghana

Any kind of publicity for Hive is great. The media ripples after the Hive Tech Conference in Ghana have put Hive in the spotlight in local newspapers.

Sometimes Deciding Against Doing Something Is the Better Option

I like it when people analyze the potential impact of marketing before they sign up to spend serious amounts of money. Here's a great example.

Governance / Development / Dapps

Blocktrades Team Updates

Two elements of Blocktrades' 2nd update for 2024 are very important to highlight, in my opinion:

  • First, the 1.27.5 release candidate 8 will likely be the official release of the new HAF-based stack for Hive API nodes; if you don't understand the lingo, that's ok, that's mainly important for Hive API node providers, not for regular users.
  • Secondly, after finishing up with this release, the next big development project for the team will be an HAF-based smart contract environment, including support for the creation and maintenance of "lite" accounts at the 2nd layer.

Conversion of CUB and POLYCUB-Based Assets to LEO Has Started

The poll asking LEO stakeholders if they approve or not the conversion of CUB and POLYCUB base or derived assets into LEO on Hive-Engine has passed with 95% in favor, stakeweighted.

The time has come for the conversion process to start (and it will last 30 days). Here are all the details. Read and apply them carefully!

SPK Network - Testnet AMA

People who would like to run testnet nodes on the SPK Network and test the network might want to listen to this AMA. Some questions are answered, some issues are resolved/debugged live, basically, it's what you need... Obviously, this is not for everyone.

Hive Keychain Getting Ready to Update Their Mobile Apps

After revamping the browser extensions, Hive Keychain is preparing to do the same with the UI/UX of the mobile apps. For now, a beta version.


Splinterlands Updates

Not many meaningful updates in the Hive games category this week. Just a couple of proposals and pre-proposals for SPS DAO, and the announcement of the deprecation of the Splinterlands mobile app, in favor of a better Splinterlands in a browser on mobiles.

Meetings / Events / Communities

Hive Sucre Community at Its 1-Year Anniversary

They seem older than 1 year on Hive, don't they? One of the most successful localized communities on Hive, they talk a little bit about their history and current endeavors in the post describing their most recent initiative. By watching their content regularly, I see a kind of a shift from onboarding businesses to Hive (HBD payments), to their new podcast, participating in events and the new connection with tourism.

Actifit Challenge for Participants to BuzzParty 2024

BuzzParty 2024 will come in about a month in Hamburg, Germany. Organizers created a special Actifit challenge for participants in the two-day meeting. You can read all the details here.

Week in the Crypto World

SEC Pushes to Classify Ethereum a Security

That's an interesting move, particularly considering the timing. This follows almost immediately after a 'state authority' has been investigating the Ethereum Foundation, something revealed on their GitHub a while ago, but only recently picked up by the media.

World's Largest Pension Fund Eyes Bitcoin and Gold

Japan’s $1.5 Trillion GPIF Pension Fund explores adding Bitcoin, gold, forests, and farmland to its portfolio. A decision hasn't been made, but the discussion alone puts Bitcoin in the spotlight in circles with lots of investment capital. Read more...

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