Week through Adrian's Lenses (13-19 April 2024)

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This is the #67th edition of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week.

Week on Hive

16 of 39 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

In the Spotlight

Next Year's DHF Funding Proposal For VSC & V4V.App As a Whole Was Published This Week

The L2 Hive smart contracts introduced by VSC (for now, in the testnet phase) could become the most impactful foreseeable development on Hive, if things go well.

VSC & VSV.App share a common goal of linking Hive and Bitcoin. For V4V.App, it's already achieved via Bitcoin Lightning, but what remained without a clear path forward was how to decentralize the whole system. With VSC and its separate goal of building a Bitcoin wrapping system on Hive, the solution became clearer: V4V.app will externalize the exchange operations to VSC, and @brianoflondon will rewrite the code of the app so that it can work in a decentralized way without the exchange part, and will open source the code.

If we look at the roadmap for VSC, we see Bitcoin wrapping will be ready for production by next month (May), while the "mainnet" of the network is expected in Q4 of this year.

@vaultec mentioned the roadmap will be detailed as time goes by, but if you read before that, at the scope of the project, we can have some idea of the size and complexity of the project.

If you want a short bullet point list of what VSC brings, I'll quote from the proposal text:

VSC Brings:

Powerful code in any language smart contracts
EVM Wallet compatibility

Wrapping of BTC to Hive
Tools for payment processing of Hive, HBD and wrapped Bitcoin via automated contract.
Smart Contract Controlled HIVE accounts
Native Lite accounts on L2 and soon L1 as well.
DeFi directly on Hive
Aid the development of Games, NFTs and many more projects on Hive.
Low chain bloat - scalable offchain
…and much more

You can read more and vote on the proposal, if you want to, from here.

Marketing / Awareness / Branding

Croatian Rally in Full Swing

WRC Croatia started yesterday, with the Hive car and team at the start, now in a higher category. Let's see how it goes!

A Little More About Talent Land...

We talked about it in the previous roundup, but I wanted to share another post, from one of the participants (and speakers), @manuphotos, who was impressed.

Q&A Session at the Hive Tech Conference in Ghana

It's been a while since the Hive Tech Conference in Ghana, but we now have a recording of the Q&A session, and you might want to take a look...

HBD Benefits Explained...

... by @hiveblocks-es to the Spanish-speaking community. This is a good promotional material or article to reference to.

Hive Movie Update...

The Hive movie script has been updated to include the events of the Steem takeover. This is a different movie from the Freechain film. From the comment section, we find out that:

Freechain is a dao funded informative documentary that is already on the festival circuit. This project is a dramatic feature length film and no appart of freechain at all. Very different projects with different objectives.

Here's the announcement.

Governance / Development / Dapps

LeoDex Officially Launched (But Still in Beta)

After a short period of public Alpha - I would call it - the LEO team decided to make things more official, creating a proper announcement post for LeoDex. Significant updates can be found, as often, from their INLEO AMA.

Call to Action! Contribute to the Development of the SPK Network's Breakaway Communities

The SPK Network team published a call to action post addressed to junior and senior developers who want to contribute to the development of the SPK Network's Breakaway Communities. If you are interested, you can see how to participate in their post.

Vesting Route Change Detection and Transaction Exports in Hive Keychain 3.3 Beta

There is a new version of Hive Keychain Beta (won't update automatically until it goes to production).

The new version adds the ability to detect changes in the vesting route for improved security of the account.

I would note that from the top front ends, only Ecency has implemented the feature of setting and changing vesting routes (as far as I know) since we moved away from the legacy chain. Personally, I'd prefer all capabilities of the chain to have corresponding features, even if they are under an advanced page or something like that.

Secondly, in 3.3 we will be able to download transaction history as .csv files. That should be useful.

Clive Updates - TUI Account Management & CLI Show Chain

On the account management side, Clive added Watched, Known, and Working Account(s) to TUI, which makes it more usable with multiple accounts. I haven't used Clive yet, but I expect information on Watched accounts to be displayed on demand, and not notification-style. But maybe I'm wrong.

Speaking of the other update, the Show Chain info, I wonder how many of Hivers know that the HIVE inflation rate is currently at 6.4% (and slowly dropping). Without considering the influence of conversions, of course.


Rise of the Pixels Will Launch on Monday...

... but before that, existing players from the beta phase enjoy a week of additional prizes. There will be 48 hours of post-launch bonuses too. Also, existing players from the beta phase are reminded to switch the website at launch to riseofthepixels.com (without beta.). Read the full announcement here.

This is an additional announcement regarding the rules of the pre-launch event.

Rising Star Updates

Rising Star pushed a series of developments recently. Haven't played in a while and don't know how to approach the new game modes? Here's a bilingual tutorial for the Rising Star Pro gameplay.

Rising Star also has a collaboration with the Big Dog Bone game where each of the two games will feature cards from the other game, as we find out from an announcement of Big Dog Bone, reblogged by Rising Star.

Meetings / Events / Communities

Verbal-D Will Join as a Judge for Vibes Contests

@verbal-d will join as a permanent judge for the weekly Vibes contests. From my understanding, he will be replacing @lordbutterfly in this role, with the latter focusing on the promotion and behind-the-scenes work.

Week in the Crypto World

Bitcoin Halving in a Few Hours and Counting...

Yep, the time has come! Today is the day many have waited for the last 4 years. I hope they had some other things to do in the meantime... 😀

Will anything change for you after that time passes? No! Looking back in a few months though, we will probably see it as the signal for the next bull phase, even though it will probably start with a few more days up to weeks of sideways or pullback action.

The Bitcoin halving is reason for celebration in the crypto world for good reason, as it defines the cycle that makes things relatively predictable in this otherwise crazy world.

10 more hours at the time of writing...

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