Week through Adrian's Lenses (27 March - 2 April 2023)

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This was a quiet week with fewer things to report on (or maybe I'll need to search even deeper in the future). We can't have all weeks be as the one before Hive's birthday.

Let's see what we have for this week's roundup.

Week on Hive

Hive War Stories from the Past

For those of you who want to remember or people who joined in recent years (well after the fork), this is a relevant story of the fight for the previous chain and how Hive came into being. It focuses on a few main characters for a good reason, but the struggle and intensity (and sometimes mixed feelings, depending on who was doing what) were real for many at the community level.

... and 3 years later, 5 of the top Hivians who had their stakes stolen from them on the previous chain, have now received it back after they won it back in court:

Unfortunately, those who didn't participate in the lawsuit and were deprived of their coins as well didn't receive them back.

Muterra's Tamer Sale, In Collaboration with 16 Communities

I've included an announcement about this in a previous weekly roundup. But this week it happened:

I believe this was a smart marketing idea from the Muterra team, to get so many communities involved and excited about their tamer launch. It's a win-win, for both the game and the communities, with purchases being made in their specific tokens. And, with a few exceptions (read the post), tokens will be burned!

Splinterlands Land Surveying

This week, the QA server got opened for mavericks to test Land Expansion 1.0 (Surveying). It was a good idea to open up the test server to the mavericks (and eventually any 100+ plot owner who wasn't a maverick also), because more eyes revealed things that needed either immediate or future attention.

If nothing changed compared to the original schedule (and I haven't seen any change), next week on Tuesday (April 4th), Land Surveying will be added to production.

Cuba: Using HIVE or HBD to Pay Phone Bills and More

This Spanish article announcing how the payment application QvaPay integrated both HIVE and HBD and what you can actually do via the app (including ordering a virtual VISA card, for example), came to my attention via this post from TaskMaster:

See how well both HIVE and HBD look on this shortlist (34):

Week in the Crypto World

As we got used to lately, more FUD. The crypto markets seem to have gotten used to this continuous FUD, and they simply don't react anymore. This is the most important news from this week, and probably anything else pales by comparison:

CFTC Sued Binance and CZ

This is a bigger deal than SEC suing because of the approach of the two entities. SEC is suing everybody and it makes a big noise over it, basing its strategy on the fact that many will settle. CFTC sues few from the crypto space, and they often go for the killer blows.

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