Week through Adrian's Lenses (20-26 March 2023)

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While the ripple effects in the banking system seem to continue now in Europe (Credit Suisse, one of the former top banks in the world, was bailed out by rival UBS at a ridiculous price; Deutsche Bank doesn't seem to be in a good shape either), the FED raised the interest rate expectedly by .25, the SEC is playing on the whole field in its crusade against crypto, and Hive news slowed down a bit compared to the previous week.

Let's see what we have for this week's roundup.

Week on Hive

Hive Fork/Birth Day

@Hiveio put together a post on the occasion of Hive Fork/Birth Day, talking about some of the recent accomplishments in the ecosystem:

Leofinance Got an UI Update

Leofinance had a mobile update and also supports gifs and emojis now. Also, going forward, Leofinance UI will have a weekly update on Fridays.

Splinterlands Updates

SoulKeep Closed Beta

Anyone who purchased at least 500 packs for the Splinterlands Tower Defense Game could have tested it starting this week.

If you haven't purchased enough packs, you can still see how the playable demo levels look here. The actual game will have elements of randomization in them, like Splinterlands.

Updates to Secret of Praetoria Whitepaper

Two updates were made for the Secret of Praetoria whitepaper, in the Surveying and Castles & Keeps sections. They refer to the guaranteed rarities for 100 plots and the fact that Castles also act as Keeps for the tracts where they are located (benefiting from the Keep taxes too).

Lille University Comes to Hive

At Lille University there is a course on public and private blockchains for the master's degree.

Students and the professor (@pboulet) have Hive accounts and the examination involves taking actions on our chain (there are two parts, one theoretical and one practical). I find both parts interesting. For more details you can read this post (entirely in French):

Rising Star Updates

Rising Star has put out a post mentioning their Easter mission has started. They also moved to a faster server. These are the details:

Week in the Crypto World

SEC Goes After Justin Sun and Celebrities Next

The association in the title is unfortunate because the reason the SEC goes after Justin Sun is different than the one it goes after celebrities. Sun is accused of "unregistered offer and sale of crypto asset securities", while the celebrities are accused of promoting securities without disclosing they received money for doing so. The latter accusation seems hilarious, as all influencers do that, and they sell anything and everything.

Telegram Integrates USDT Payments

USDT payments were integrated into Telegram via Tron. Hmm, I wonder if that's why Justin Sun feels some heat from the SEC now.

SEC vs Coinbase

The SEC seems to be very busy these months. Another target is Coinbase, for selling unregistered securities:

Do Kwon Detained in Montenegro?

Do Kwon may have been detained at the airport in Montenegro's capital, with a fake identity. I don't think people who lost funds in the Terra-LUNA debacle would miss him. I wonder if he was trying to get to Serbia, which doesn't have extradition treaties with the West (for anyone old enough to remember and understand the 90s, the reason is obvious).

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