
Most of our preaching these days are filled with ways by which one can purchase salvation from the Lord. That may sound too blunt to you but in this post, I will endeavor to expand upon it so that you understand what I mean by that and also draw your attention back to the Lord's way of saving people.

It's placard throughout the scriptures that salvation is of the Lord. From the beginning to the end is by God's doing and nothing from man can add anything whatsoever to it. But I'm afraid that's not what I hear these days. Although some of the preachers grossly agree that salvation is of the Lord, it doesn't show in their actions consistently.

I have heard many preachers who ask their congregation to repent before they come to the Lord. Although that sounds right but I want us to consider this. How can someone repent if not by the Lords doing? Remember that no one can repent unless the Holy Ghost works in their hearts first.

Some also ask the hearers to melt their hearts before the can be saved. But I ask how can a man soften their own hearts? Is it not the work of the Holy Ghost? Haven't you read that it's the Lord who said "I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26, ESV)

Why do we then try to fill the gap of the Holy Ghost? If we should preach and ask men to do what God only does, then what good are we doing them? How can we create a new heart within ourselves if we cant create a cell in a hair fiber on our heads? . We can do nothing if not by the power of God. Some people are sometimes asked to weep over their sins and they shall be saved. But that is contrary to the word of God. The invitation is to believe and be saved.

How do you feel? is one of the most common questions asked by most preachers after they have evangelised. Since when did salvation started to base on feelings? Ah says one, but I don't feel anything, so how can I be saved? Yes, you can't wait to feel something in order to be saved. The Lord didn't command you to feel something so that you will be saved. The command is to look onto Jesus and you shall be redeemed.

Sundry men have waited for decades waiting for the day they will feel something or weep over their sins so that they can go to the throne of grace for eternal life. They have waited in vain and anyone who's having this mindset will wait until they are in hell where they will realise that feelings do not save but only faith in Christ. Should the faith of one be able to move mountains in order to be saved? Absolutely no. Remember that we are "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2, ESV)

We have no faith if not for the one given to us by grace. Because I know not how to invent faith I come barely with my sins, trusting Jesus that by his death on the cross, he paid the penalty for it and gave me his righteousness without which I can't see him. Dear reader, if you have wondered why you don't feel your sins that much, then I am telling you that the feeling that you don't feel much of your sins is enough to cast your gaze on your Savior.

All these weeping over sin, softening of heart, feeling of the sinfulness of your sin, repentance and the rest are found in Christ alone. "The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price." (Revelation 22:17, ESV). Ah says one, but I don't desire, how can I go for this living water? I answer, the desire that you don't feel thirsty is what should drive you to this Fountain. For those who are not having the desire for him are the best of sinners. And they need him more. Even to make them thirsty.

Who did Jesus come to save? "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15, ESV). He came to save sinners and not thirsty sinners, sinners who feel their sins, sinners who weep no. Come as you are. Stop waiting for what will not come on your own. This can be done by Christ alone. Trust him just as you are and he will make you his child.
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