This type of forest wood fruit still lives in the wild

Various favorite forest fruits
Monkeys, birds and other wildlife animals.

Various types of plants combine into one with a variety of forest fruits in the tropical forests of Aceh, more precisely in Indonesia. This diversity of forest plants and fruits is the most preferred food source for forest dwellers.

The existence and availability of forest fruit is a sign that the forest is still in good condition and exists. When fruit season arrives, even though it is not fruit season, the presence of forest fruit complements and supports the continued breath of life for wild animals.

Therefore, some of these forest fruits are favorite foods for monkeys and birds. There are also forest kuyet chain fruit, uret fruit, temeree fruit and many other fruits.

And there are several types of plants that farmers cultivate in the mountains or near forests. The plants whose fruit is predominantly consumed by monkeys and other wildlife are rambutan, kedondong, langsat, avocado, petai and soybeans or are a type of legume. Of all the forest fruits, this is at least the one most liked by birds, monkeys and other wildlife.

The availability of forest fruits that are still found in the forest, more specifically as forest markers in an area, can be said to be still good, this is the most beautiful gift for animal diversity. Considering that various animals and bird species still feel at home in their habitat, it is easy and comfortable to obtain their food.

These natural forest fruits are very important for wildlife, for the development of monkeys, birds and several other animals. Eating forest fruits like wild animals do is like playing hanging from one tree to another.

There are several types of flowering forest plants that complement nature's beauty when they bloom and merge into one with fruit-bearing plants. I guess how many pictures of forest flowers there are.

My distance to the forest is approximately 1.5-2 hours to the Siloe fig forest from Krung Mane Village, Aceh Simalakama or Pulo Aceh. Raya prah Indonesia in Asia.

The availability of existing and remaining forest fruits is at least a clear sign that plants, forest fruits and animals can still coexist, can continue to exist in the future and be preserved as a sign that our natural culture still exists.

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