#ULOG 475 - Daily Thoughts - 21 Sep 18 - Homesteading Today...

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

We started our day off with sunshine, YAY! :D It quickly turned to grey skies and rain though, boo, but at least its not snow, YAY again, LOL. :D

Our lovely grand-puppy Lady (1), her handsome brothers Shadow (2) and Tiny (3), and their beautiful mom Karma all hanging out on the front steps watching our grand-puppy Mya, she was running around the yard so fast I couldn’t get a clear picture of her, LOL. :D

The boys were tired this morning, I got into their stall, poured their feed into their dishes, added the water, mixed it together, filled their water dish, and smashed apart two or three squash before they woke up and came running. :D

Usually I barely get the barn door open and they’re making their “feed me” noises, LOL. :D Here they are, our handsome boys, Billy (1) and Joel (2), enjoying their breakfast. :D

Joel (1) came over for some of the squash so Billy (2) went over to help himself to some of Joel’s breakfast, but not before spilling a lot of their drinking water into his own breakfast, now it looks like soup, silly boy, LOL. :D

My handsome husband and son started working the potato harvest this morning, so they are going to have some very long days over the next few weeks, thankfully its only for a few weeks though. :D Yikes, those clouds are closing in on our sunshine fast, hopefully they don’t stay around all day and we to enjoy the sun a bit more. :D I hope it doesn’t rain where they’re working, it would be a long and probably miserable day if they’re working out on the machine’s out in the wind, especially if they get wet too, cold and wet is a horrible combination. Please sunshine, come back out soon. :D

Most of the herd was either sleeping, grazing, or just hanging out in the trees at the back of the pastures, but Belle came out to enjoy a nice quiet breakfast by herself, so I hung out with her and chatted while the water tubs were filling up. :D

I don’t know what went by that area of the yard/pasture, but the puppies and grand-puppies have all gone and sniffed around there several times throughout the day. Here are Shadow (1), Mya (2), and Tiny (3) all sniffing that same spot. :D I was worried they’d gone and dug a tunnel, but thankfully not, just something interesting smelling in that area. :D

Belle (1) heading over to join Joker (2) for lunch before the rain comes back. :D

It is getting darker out and its even chillier than when I first got up this morning, ugh, LOL. :D I don’t think we’re going to make it to the end of October without starting a fire in the wood stove. Thankfully I’m going to bread some pork chops use the oven to cook them (and heat up the house a bit), with some new potatoes and corn for supper, yum. :D

I hope our afternoon is as quiet and uneventful as our morning. :D Its too chilly for me to be out in the wind herding cattle, pigs, chickens, puppies or grand-puppies. :D The chickens trying to decide if they should go in the coop or just hide under their little cover in the run here in this picture. :D

I got to play my favorite Blizzard Game, World of Warcraft (WoW) today, its “Pet Battle Bonus Week” that’s the week I love the best because I get to level up my pets so fast during this week. :D I got seven or eight pets from level one up to level nine yesterday and I’m going to try to get the last couple I’ve got left to level nine this afternoon and hopefully have them all to level 15 by tomorrow. :D

Princess (1), Joker (2), Leroy (3), and Candy (4) enjoying some supper in the main pasture. :D

Here come Belle (1) and Buddy (2) to join the others in the main pasture for supper. :D
Sorry there’s been no sunshine since this morning so that means no sunset pictures again tonight, hopefully tomorrow night we’ll get a beautiful sunset to share. :D
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

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