What does it mean to be a light worker?

A tribe steemup bi-weekly question.

Founded by @kennyskitchen.

Some years ago, dear reader, you probably wouldn't have liked me very much.
My whole life revolved around how angry I was at the time.
I had been raised by a dad that threatened violence at the drop of a hat.
His only problem solving skill, when it came to me, was to threaten to hit me with a belt, again.
Now don't get me wrong, my dad didn't really abuse me like some I have seen, but the threat was certainly there.
Combine that with boot camp, and suddenly anger looks like a completely normal means to my ends.
Carrot, or stick?

This was a very difficult philosophical hole to climb out of.
How could I have been sooo misled?
I just followed my examples.

I did figure it out one day, after life had left me all alone to think about it.
On that day, I discovered the 'all positive, all the time' radio station and adjusted my dial.
From that day forward I would no longer play the game the way I had been taught, but I would strike out on my own in search of a win-win resolution to all the problems brought to my attention.

I still, 15 years later, have ingrained reactions that, when rushed, suggest violence, but for the most part, I look for win-win resolutions to things not going my way automatically.

This has been an upstream swim, too.
How many people do you know that don't want to argue about things?

I know most of you, dear reader, live in a mostly average world.
You experience some uncomfortable situations, you deal with them the best you can, and you move on.
It's how life goes for the average person.

But, if you look around at the propaganda, it's all reinforcing rule by force.
The nightly news cries, 'somebody must be punished!'
We all, mostly, think that 'there needs to be a law.'
'Off with 'is 'ead' is the easy way out, and pretty popular as a result.
How many times have you agreed that 'they should lock them up and throw away the key'?

Rule by force is all we have known.
Not for one second have we ever been really free.
We all pay tax, we all put on our seatbelts, unless we live in the poorer parts of the world.
They can't steal enough in tax to enforce seatbelt laws.
They do make enough to enforce having a tag, paid for by your slave wages under crapitalism.

This isn't freedom, this is free range slavery.
The difference is pretty obvious once you open your mind to the possibility.
Not once have you been offered nobody on a ballot.
To live without a boss telling you how things are gonna be is just not the 'murican way.


To me, a light worker spreads the light.
I'm sure there are other means to the ends, an enlightened world, but my work has been in reaching out to those around me and denouncing violence.
Reminding people that resolving their differences through the use of force, or even the threat of it, is what got us into this mess in the first place.

100's of 1000's of years and the best we can do is to be ruled by the most violent amongst us?
It sure looks like it to me.

When I see kids rough housing, I explain to them that fighting isn't playing, it's fighting.
When I see dads play WWE with the kids, I cringe.
When I saw TSU choose a warrior culture emblem, I spoke up.

For me, being a light worker is to defend the defenseless.
To speak up for the unpopular.
To defend the defenseless.

Unless they harm another, then it's 'off with 'is 'ead!', if that is how the victim wishes the issue to be resolved.

I think this willingness fills a very important void in the peace movement.
Who 'ectomies' the cancer cells?

If we leave that to a hierarchy we get what we have.

I suggest we outsource this function to members of the team that have experience on both sides of the fence.
Unless you have spent, at least, 24hours in the clink, you are not a penal expert, imo.

Until you have experienced both sides of the equation your expertise is cut in half, and likely biased by indoctrination.
Jail isn't like you think it is.

It's a brave new world TSU is trying to make sense of, let's hope the darkness in each of us learns to embrace the light of the new opportunities brought to us by the change in leadership.

Dec. 21st, 2012 was the end of the world as we knew it.
The world as we knew it was ruled by force.
As we move forward through time the old ways will die out.

Be part of the rebirth of sanity.


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