The Inside Life of A Client Manager

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Hi guys, welcome back to my blog, and happy weekend to you all.

There are different categories of workers, there are some who are just at their job because they love it, while some are there because they couldn't find something else, that was just available and they took it, there is yet another set that outrightly hates their jobs, but have no other choice than to keep at it because it's where they get their 'daily bread', and the last group of people, are people who did not like their job when they started it, but as time went on, they began to love the job, and presently nothing can separate them from their job.
So which of these categories do you belong to???

Tell us about what you do for a living ?, Are you the earning member of your house or not? What is your source of income? Is it permanent or temporary?

Well, I'm the category that got in and didn't like the job, that was because I didn't really have a good understanding of the job, but after that initial phase, I can say I've grown to love my job, as it gives me the opportunity to grow and become a better person both to myself and also the society at large.

So I work with a certification body where we certify companies or organizations to different ISO (International Organization for Standardization) management systems, like Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015) and others.

I'm actually a Client manager; that is to say, I work with client organizations, from the planning of their ISO audits to their execution down to all of the processes that follow until that particular client is certified and receives their certificate.


When I was first assigned this role, I panicked at first because I'm not really a people person. I just loved doing my things quietly in my little corner, but this particular role required that I was constantly communicating with my clients either via emails, phone calls, or text messages. The one I didn't like so much was the making of calls, I could roll out as much as possible but when it got to the point I had to speak with the client, I was mostly jittery, and for that, I was always putting it off, but it was affecting my work, and I knew I couldn't continue that way.

At a point, I had to call myself to order and reaffirm that I could do it; they were just humans like myself and wouldn't bite me; the highest that could go wrong was saying something wrong, heck everyone has been there at one point or the other in their lives.

I had to cut myself some slack and started making those phone calls when necessary; I noticed that gradually, I was even able to calm down angry customers and make them feel better when sorting out their issues; for this, I was very grateful and proud of myself.


I've had to take some courses which have also enhanced my performance in my workplace which I'm very happy about. In general, I would say I now love my job; although it has its challenging and tasking parts, it has taught me so much within the short space of time I've been on it; I've also formed meaningful relationships that I wouldn't trade for anything.

My job isn't a temporary one, but I wouldn't call it a permanent one either, as I am not looking to work there all my life; I have dreams of setting up my venture someday. My job is my major source of income and I am also part of the earning members of my household, although we don't live in the same location.

Thanks for stopping by 🌹

This is my response to the #Indiaunited weekly prompt, you can also tell us about your job. To get more information you can check here

All images are mine except otherwise stated

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