The Chronicles of Photography


Hello Photography community, this is my first time posting in this community, I hope you enjoy this piece.

Today is the 18th day of the #aprilinleo challenge, if you haven't joined already, you don't know what you're missing, as it has been a jolly ride. Today's prompt is:

Paparazzis, Photo dump, Evolution of photography.

Over the years, we have seen how much photography has evolved, from the use of the camera obscura (Latin words for dark chamber) in ancient times, to the invention of the flexible film for the making of photographs, to the present day smartphone photography. We can see how far technological advancement has brought us in the aspect of photography.


I could remember how when we were younger, whenever we wanted to take a photograph, we have to go look for a camera man within our vicinity who could take our pictures. These picture after it has been taken had to be printed out in hard copies, as you couldn't access the the soft one as we have now. We had to invite the camera man to take our pictures, as we didn't have access to a camera. But that isn't the situation anymore.

Presently the story isn't the same, as we now have access to mobile smartphones that are capable of taking well defined and optimized images with very high resolution, although this is a function of the specification of the camera in the phone, while some are of higher quality, some also do not have that much quality as others.


These days most people when getting a smartphone first consider the image quality and storage capacity of the phone before they get to check all other functions. Some years or decades ago, that wasn't the case, as people were only concerned with how they could make and receive a call.


With the advent of smartphones with cameras especially those with high resolution, you can take pictures anywhere at anytime, without so much of a hassle and still get the quality you can capture the moment, as these smartphones are handy, and need no special measure in carrying them.


People are using just their smartphones cameraa to make videos, short films and also edit them with the same, see how much simplified it now is, who thought we would get here, but we did, we are here now, and we just have go along with the various trends so we aren't left behind.


Another thing about the transition of photography is that we can now have soft copies that can be saved to the cloud, as opposed to when it was just hard copies, after sometimes you begin to notice the degrade in the picture. So many things that were once thought to be impossible, are now a reality, and have come to stay, and we are doing a great job accepting them.


This is my response to the #aprilinleo challenge, if you are yet to join, and you are interested, you can check it out here to understand what it involves.

Thanks for stopping by🥰🥰

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