The Inner Voice has Always Been Available to Keep Man on the Right Pathway

Vast underground cavern systems were provided with seal-able tunnels leading to the outer surface world.

These were created by the disintegration process in many cases, rather than by excavation, thus making it unnecessary to remove millions of tons of rock and soil. Advanced technology made it possible for large communities to live comfortably for any desired period of time in these immense underground caverns systems and be completely self-reliant. Gardens and even forests grew profusely in the artificially created light. The magnitude and the beauty of these inner worlds are such that few would know that they lived within, rather than without the planet if their knowledge was based upon casual observation.


Following each series of cataclysms spanning several millions of years, a remnant of the population would survive, and apart from those who had gone underground, would be found wandering from place to place, as nomadic tribes or family groups in search of food and shelter, as well as a suitable place upon which to settle and again commence the long, slow process of regaining that which had been lost. This could perhaps take thousands, or even tens of thousands of years depending upon the extent of the destruction and the amount of assistance given in the amount of time that followed.

In the case of a total destruction, all evidence of scientific technology and records of a past would be gone. A new civilization of those remnants wandering about the surface of the planet, would virtually have to start from scratch, by utilizing the process of trial and error, at times guided by their “dreamtime” memories, and the legends passed from generation to generation.

The inner voice has always been available to keep man on the right pathway, although he has not always heeded the warnings and has consequently blundered along, repeating the same old mistakes.

This has never been more evident than it is today. In a few short years, following millenniums of our struggling back, (after the last cataclysmic deluge) man has risen from the nomadic tribe existence, to the colony and settlement period, to great cities and advanced technology, approaching that of pre-deluge times. He has in the last one hundred years or less, grown into a huge technologically oriented giant; but also has remained by comparison, a spiritual dwarf.

Again, he has grown to distrust his brother and has given his brother many reasons for distrusting him in return. While little children starve, he has built around himself a vast fortress of diabolical weapons to protect his stores of food, of money, and the needs or desires of his bloated physic body. He is at this moment standing guard over his earthly treasures, while surrounded by weaponry of such devastating potential, that if released (and there are many weak links in the chain) this terrible monster could and almost certainly would devour many hundreds of millions of innocent people together with the animal and vegetable life on Earth.

This dreadful monster we now see straining at its ever weakening leash, is the brain child, the creation of Man himself, and to which he has given the ability to (in addition to the annihilation of all forms of life on Earth) disintegrate the planet itself, his own Earth Mother, who has for eons of time nurtured and cared for him with true motherly love, supplying the necessary experiences for his education and spiritual growth. Yes, Man has been granted free will, that he may choose for himself; the path that he will take on the ever ascending roadway of universal spiritual progress.

The great universal laws have also been provided as sign posts along the way, to guide as well as to provide him with the experiences of his own choice, “as we give to another, so it is given to us.” We also know that this little creature, Man, who is as yet a kindergarten pupil in the vast universal school, is not alone in the Cosmos, nor is he the only sentient being to reside on, or within this little planet; for there are others and they have been granted free will to choose their own destiny, which is to live at peace with others of their own and other species.

We are now going to pursue, what to some may appear to be a highly controversial subject and if by so doing we may be considered eligible for admittance to a psychiatric institution, then our only comment would be “so what, we shan't be alone.”

Those who do not wish to venture with us into the realism of the so called “unknown” (not the un-knowable) may at this stage feel quite free to leave our little exploratory party and return to the safety of the already known, as dished out in palatable form to the masses, by those who for every obvious reason, chose to pass on to others some of the truths in their possession, in a distorted manner, calculated to suit their plans for keeping the masses under subjection. Many thousands of innocent people who in the past, dared to reveal what they knew to be truth were rewarded for their trouble by being tortured to death by the government, and the church (we are referring here to what we think of as “Churchianity” which has nothing in common with Christianity).

What would be the public reaction today, if our news media made the sensational statement that it was a known and proven fact that our planet Earth, was hollow as previously indicated by official N.A.S.A. photographs of the polar regions taken from an orbiting satellite on November 23rd1968, to be followed later by successive aerial explorations?

Some would accept it, yes, as being the logical answer to numerous questions that had previously been dumped into a box marked “unexplainable,” but the blind have been led by the blind for a long time. The general reaction could well be, “ridiculous.” Why, everyone knows that the Earth is a solid sphere. Sure, just as everyone knew until recently that it was flat; also, that man would never fly in the air, that steel ships could not float on the water, that man would never walk on the moon. We could go on and on giving examples of what was considered to be truth, but which was later found to be false.


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