Part of living in a ruralish farm community is the lack of basic public transportation . We have one little bus that comes through every 2-3 hours that has basically a one way route. Helpful if you need to head East from my location occasionally.
Yesterday I had missed the opportunity to catch a lift to the dispensary from the CARRT. So instead of waiting the 3 hours until the next return, plus the inevitable walk home from said dispensary, I decided to leg it. What's a measly 7 mile round trip for some beloved CANNABIS? I am sure that I have travelled further for worse things, you know what I am saying?


My tired ass after the 2 hour trek. I 'made' the shirt myself with stencil, little bleach and acrylic fabric markers. Sometime I get inspired to create when I am HIGH

Nice weather for a walk and who doesn't need the time to just be with SELF?

So for $52 I got 3.5 grams of RNTZ ( INDICA ) & a 1gram ROYAL JELLY preroll.
The RNTZ is fruity, floral and a mellow Indica. Tasty with a nice slow release from the chest of stress. I still LOVE the ROYAL JELLY. The immediate head difference from one toke is what I search for in a great smoke. My brain tingles before I can exhale telling me I have a TRUE Indica that will deliver the results I seek.

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