My first VLOG!!! And More.

Ok fine people out there. I have been wanting to tell you all A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! .. For a very long time. But things kept happening and I wasn't able to get on here.

I had it all planned too. I was going to call out every single one of you that I hold dearly and more but time went by, things kept happening and poof... I started forgetting about all the details I wanted to write.

It makes me sad. I should have written it all down. I wanted to write sweet words to @zyx066 for being such an amazing person, for supporting me and, I mean, if you know this person you would agree with me 100% that he is unforgettable. I wish I had more time for you my friend. Your posts are amazing, your support is amazing and I owe it to you to support you more. If I could have more of me, it would help with my time management to share the love. If you don't know him, take the time to say hi and check out his stuff. He is amazing! Zyx, Thank you for being you, for helping me out with a boot to the butt ;) Can you feel the hugs?

To @mattifer. Oh man, if I had the dictionary mezmorized I would have the right things to tell you. You are amazing! ( I feel like I need to look up another word as I think I will be using 'amazing' a lot). You are so giving! Of your time, of yourself and all. This woman right here has sent me an amazing (again) book! Let me show you :D


Beautiful is it not! <3
She is also a great supporter, she has supported me with my exercising from the start and checks in on me from time to time to see how I am doing. A great motivator! How awesome is that!
Thank you dear friend. Your push sends me in the right direction :)

@paintingangels! YOU! You there! Ya you. Can you see you? I can see you, and I see such an wonderful woman! (See that? I didn't use the word amazing... but it belongs there. So...Hard... Not to ...Use it...)
You have encouraged me to start my exercising, motivation posts. One that took me too long to get out. You brighten my days and change my moods from like -10 to 100%. You did that and you do that with no effort at all! Its natural. You rise like the sun rises, you shine like moon on a dark night. And your music! One of a kind singer! No one is like you and I love it! Thank you my dear friend! I don't ever want to miss sight of you. Ok I sound like a creeper... Eek... I will try to rephrase that one...

@jaynie. I am so grateful to have met you. It started out through your music posts. Everything I put up you enjoyed (I think), you had great things to say and so willing to find out what's out there. Then I grew to know you more. Your uplifting posts, every time I commented you felt everything I was saying. I feel like you know something about me that I don't even know. Then through you, I joined the Steemitbloggers! Oh my what an amazing thing to have stumbled upon, such a great community, and I have gotten to grow with you all into this new flower of a world. You took me with you, into the Power House Creatives. Damn that makes me feel special. Thank you so very much!

There are so many of you out there that I want to say thank you to, am I allowed to tag you all? I'm afraid to forget some of you....
@pechichemina, I miss you man. You are so much fun, and I hope to hang out with you more. The time will come when we both have more time on our hands and that we bring moments of laughter once again.
@meno, I think of you lots and even though I don't get to see you often either, I wish you the best and I hope that everything goes good for you. You are such a strong, knowledgeable person, one that people can look up to.
@clayboyn, man you are awesome. You liven up every room in Discord I see you in. Always a party with you around, and to say that someone so fun, is also someone so caring. I am never going to forget... 'JUST DO IT!'. That's stuck with me. Thank you :)
@zord189, if I brought you booby cakes would you like me more? :p One day it will happen. I mean, you might not get to eat it but it'll be made just for you ;) You are such a blast to hang out with. You have magic in you. And when you talk with people, you share it with them.
@wwf. To say how honored I am to even being able to talk to you, to be in touch with you when possible, would take days just to come up with the right words. I am even stumped right now to say great things that could match. You have taught me much, your words of forgiveness.. Oh! Those will stick with me. A weight off my shoulders, you couldn't imagine. Well you could for sure... a figure of speech for my lack of vocabulary right now. THANK YOU!!! Much love and respect to you!
@earthmother! You I will be seeing you again on here, when the time is right that is. I talk to you everyday anyways :p But I want the world to know how much you mean to me. You brought me here, to such an amazing community. I have to say that I wasn't sure. You talked about how great this place was and I guess, for me, it was just having to see it to believe it. Well I believe it! I am slow growing on this platform but I grow in many different ways because of you, being my friend, because bringing me here has let me be me, naturally and freely. I grow because of you through the wonders of nature, healing with the earth, and all provided. Do you know how huge that is? LOL of course you do! But I want you know how big it is for me. My tribe is small, but it wouldn't be much of a tribe without you in it. <3 I love you my friend!

To all my followers, my crochet peeps, and all of you out there. A BIG FRIGGIN THANK YOU! Without you, there is no me. Without us, there is no Steemit! Keep it up you awesome people! Know that whatever you are doing right now, you are ok. You are good, you are AMAXING! For freaking cheese steak and salsa in wine glass. My one change to make the word explode and I can't even write it properly..... Seriously... Can you see my eyes rolling right now?

OK now on to this vlog thing!

Please be gentle with me. I know everything that is wrong with it.

A lot of my time has been used up by either shoveling and family/kids and friends. I'm not complaining. Its actually awesome! I just wanted to let you know that it's the main reason why it gets difficult to share my time on this platform.
By the way, I am starting to get good arms with this shoveling work out lol.

So I didn't dare to watch the video, knowing that if I did, I wouldn't be putting it up. So I am taking a chance here... forgive my nervousness and lack of... well everything to make it good lol.

It is now 11:13pm and my hubby is patiently and kindly waiting for me. So I will continue this post tomorrow.



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