How do forex brokers cheat traders?

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

To put it bluntly, some forex brokers adopt unscrupulous tactics to exploit traders for their own gain.

Yep, here the traders are the clown I’ve used in the pic.

Today I’m going to explore the practices of b-book market maker brokers and the enticing allure of high leverage, that sees brokers setting up their clients to fail.

Afterwich of course, they are the ones to cash in.

Picture this.

You've just executed a trade, going long EUR/USD and are eagerly watching the market's movements tick by tick.

But unbeknownst to you, your forex broker operates under a model known as the "b-book."

In simple terms, these brokers essentially bet against their own clients.

This means that when you make a trade, they take the opposite position.

If you win, they lose and vice versa.

Obviously, an inherent conflict of interest is created.

The broker has a vested interest in seeing their clients lose because that's where their maximum profit lies.

When traders lose, the broker gains – it's a zero-sum game.

This model can lead to unethical practices such as manipulating prices, slippage where there shouldn’t be any and the malicious version of stop-hunting.

Yep, your broker may strategically trigger stop-loss orders to knock you out of winning positions simply to ensure their own maximum profit on the day.

Another concerning aspect of some forex brokers' practices is offering excessively high leverage in fun marketing campaigns to attract new traders.

As you know, leverage allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital.

While leverage itself isn't inherently nefarious and is actually a risk-management tool when used properly, the issue arises when it's used irresponsibly or without a proper understanding of the risks involved.

By offering sky-high leverage to traders with no interest in managing risk, brokers entice novice traders to take positions far beyond their actual capital.

This can lead to a dangerous scenario akin to gambling – traders are essentially betting on the market's direction with funds they can't afford to lose.

With no risk management principles in place, it's not a matter of if an overleveraged trade goes against them and they blow their account, but when.

And who is there to profit?

Yep, the b-book market maker broker.

At this point, I want to make it clear that not all brokers engage in such practices.

There are reputable brokers that prioritise transparency, fair execution and the success of their clients.

The key lies in arming oneself with knowledge, making informed decisions and exercising due diligence when choosing a broker.

Finding a forex broker whose goals are aligned with your own.

But with these tactics always in play, the world of choosing the best forex broker can indeed be a treacherous one for the uninformed.

The potential exploitation by b-book market maker brokers and the allure of high leverage paints a challenging landscape for traders to navigate.

Don’t unknowingly become a player in a rigged game, with the odds stacked against you.

Don’t be the clown.

Best of probabilities to you.

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