How can I make the most money with the least effort?

How can I make the most money with the least effort?

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

Happy new year!

By the time those of you in the US eventually wake up and read this, we’ll all officially be in 2022.

Here’s to a safe, happy and productive new year that is touch wood uninterrupted by the hastened death of those most vulnerable within our society.

Oh shit, that got morbid quickly, didn’t it…

Anyway, I digress!

What I actually wanted to talk about was the direction I want to take my LeoFinance blog into the new year.

Well not only this blog, but actually my entire freelance writing business made up of both client work and personal content creation.

The quote that I need to live by

Here’s a quote that I have been thinking a lot about throughout the back half of last year:

“How can I make the most money with the least effort?”

For me, this is the holy grail.

You see, I’ve been too inefficient and whimsical in my work for far too long.

I know entrepreneurs aren’t meant to say that, but it’s just a personality trait which for me is always going to be there.

The only way out is to streamline my operation.

I therefore quickly came to the conclusion that I needed to create evergreen content that could easily be repurposed.

This is where I can get the most bang for my buck and I therefore need to change up how I do things day to day.

My focus needs to shift to:

  • Client work
  • Digital info products
  • Marketing of both

The idea is that my client work not only pays the bills week to week, but also gives me the hands on experience that I need to develop wisdom that is worth passing on via the digital info products

The eventual goal being to move away from client work and achieve a 100% passive income via those alone.

All the while marketing myself as a copywriter to businesses and my digital info products to other entrepreneurs.

How this affects my LeoFinance blogging

Ultimately, there are going to be changes to my day, including what I do here on LeoFinance.

This means my days will be split into:

  1. Creating content for clients.
  2. Creating content for my evergreen digital info products.
  3. Sharing the process with my audience.

1 and 2 are off platform and pretty self explanatory, but 3 is where the change affects what I do right here on the blog.

I’m going to pause creating and sourcing new content for the LeoFinance Crypto Guides project.

Having finished (or at least the content in my Trello, bear with me!) for 31 x 5000+ word guides, including every real cryptocurrency in the top 20 by market cap, I’m proud to say LeoFinance now has a strong evergreen content base to start getting backlinks to.

But unfortunately, we’re starting to see the Hive elite downvoting the templates to zero…

And while disincentivising the creation of evergreen content on Hive is extremely detrimental to HIVE’s long term value (lol), I’m too small to play politician within our stake weighted system.

It is what it is, but I've gotta change it up.

As for my blog content going forward, I’m going to flick to a more opinion-based, conversational style of writing that is more in line with my client work.

Ultimately, I intend to leverage my experience blogging on LeoFinance to promote our community as a key part of my business.

Stay tuned for more, but let's just say I'm extremely excited for this fresh start.

I assure you that there is still immense value for the community in the direction I’m moving.

Best of probabilities to you.

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