¡At the Sambil Margarita, shopping with my children and my mother! [ENG-ESP]

Hello dear friends of @dailyblog, I stop by again to greet you and wish you a week full of many joys, achievements of objectives and goals achieved.

On this side, I am a little stressed because yesterday when I left work and went to get in the car to go pick up my children from school, the car didn't start and I felt like it told me what can, can, and what can't. Hold on, I'm resting. Something like that I felt like he said to me, it was like my daughter was talking to me hahaha. I took a deep breath, calmed down and immediately picked up the phone and called my husband who can do anything, but in this case he couldn't find the fault, apart from the fact that he arrived after 1 hour, after picking up my children from school, We arrived home at 3pm, all exhausted by the heat and hunger and of course Santiago couldn't go to his baseball practice.

But I will tell you about that later since the car is still in an accident, they had to have it towed and they have not found the fault, apparently it is an electrical problem and it has to do with the alarm system, but I am being patient because There is no other option, but friends, the distances are very long and with so many of my children's activities, I seriously need a car, it is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

But I will tell you about that later since the car is still in an accident, they had to have it towed and they have not found the fault, apparently it is an electrical problem and it has to do with the alarm system, but I am being patient because There is no other option, but friends, the distances are very long and with so many of my children's activities, I seriously need a car, it is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

Today I want to share with you the photographs of an outing I had with my children and my mother to the Sambil Shopping Center. That day we went out to visit the stores in search of an outfit for my aunt's wedding.

Hola queridos amigos de @dailyblog, nuevamente por aquí paso para saludarlos y deseando tengan una semana llena de muchas alegrías, logros de objetivos y metas alcanzadas.

Por este lado yo un poco estresada porque ayer cuando salí de trabajar y me fui a montar en el carro para ir a buscar a mis hijos al colegio, el carro no prendió y sentí como que me dijo la que puede, puede y la que no puede soporta, estoy descansando. Algo así sentí que me dijo, era como que mi hija me estaba hablando jajaja. Respire profundo me calme y enseguida tome el teléfono y llame a mi esposo que todo lo puede, pero en este caso no pudo dar con la falla, aparte que llego después de 1 hora, luego de recoger a mis a mis hijos en el colegio, Llegamos a casa a las 3pm agotados todos por el calor y el hambre y por supuesto Santiago no pudo ir a su entrenamiento de beisbol.

Pero de eso les contare más adelante ya que el carro sigue accidentado, se lo tuvieron que traer remolcado y no han dado con la falla, al parecer es un problema eléctrico y tiene que ver con el sistema de la alarma, pero estoy siendo paciente porque no hay de otra, pero amigos, es que las distancias son muy largas y con tantas actividades de mis hijos me urge el carro en serio, no es un lujo es una necesidad.

Hoy les quiero compartir las fotografías de una salida que tuve con mis hijos y mi madre al centro Comercial Sambil. Ese día salimos a visitar las tiendas en búsqueda de una vestimenta para la boda de mi tía.

The shopping center was a little empty and allowed us to enjoy its corridors and stores freely. We were able to enter several stores and I took the opportunity to try on some pieces and while so many, my children calmly waited for me to leave the fitting rooms after half an hour inside as my daughter says, but that was only possible thanks to the magic of technology and that is because In several stores there was free Wi-Fi and they could distract themselves by watching videos.

I tried on hats, scarves and boots, I was really undecided, I didn't know what to buy and in the end I didn't end up buying anything because I didn't have money hahaha. A little humor to celebrate the day friends.

On the other hand, my mother in every store she went to would talk to the managers or salespeople as if they were lifelong friends and meanwhile Gaby took photos and I walked through the fitting rooms, trying on some blouses, but one fit me. short, another was transparent, another very long, anyway I got tired and in the end I didn't buy anything.

The moral of this day, it is horrible to have to go out to look for some clothes without having enough money, one ends up already exhausted without having achieved anything, but in the end what I am most happy about is having been able to share a different time with my children, We laughed, I saw my daughter taking photos, my son was laughing with the phone and the best of all my mom making as much friendship as she could wherever she went, definitely my mom, she is a sunshine, unique and unmatched.

El centro Comercial estaba un poco vacío y nos permitió disfrutar de sus pasillos y las tiendas libremente. Pudimos entrar a varias tiendas y yo aproveche de probarme algunas piezas y mientras tantos mis hijos esperaban tranquilamente que yo saliera de los probadores después de media hora adentro como dice mi hija, pero eso solo fue posible gracias a la magia de la tecnología y es que en varias tiendas había wifi libre y podían distraerse viendo videos.

Me probé sombreros, bufandas y botas realmente estaba indecisa no sabia que comprar y al final no terminé comprando nada porque no tenía dinero jajajaja. Un poco de humor para alegar el día amigos.

Por otro lado, mi mamá en cada tienda que se metía se ponía hablar con las encargadas o vendedoras como si fueran amigas de toda la vida y mientras tanto Gaby se tomaba fotos y yo media en los probadores, probándome algunas blusas, pero una me quedaban cortas, otra era transparente, otra muy larga en fin me canse y no al final no compre nada.

La moraleja de este día, es horrible tener que salir a buscar algo de ropa sin tener dinero suficiente, uno termina ya agotado sin haber conseguido nada, pero al final lo que más me alegra es haber podido compartir con mis hijos de un rato diferente, nos reímos, vi a mi hija tomarse fotos, mi hijo se reía con el teléfono y la mejor de todos mi mamá haciendo cuanta amistad podía por donde pasaba, definitivamente mi mamá, es un sol, única e inigualable.

Friend, I wanted to make this post with a little humor, trying to cheer up my slightly beaten and worried spirit because today is just Tuesday and I already want it to be Saturday afternoon, my God I already feel that the week will be strong and I have barely solved 1 objective , of 7 important and challenging objectives that I have to accomplish practically one for each day of this week.

But today a phrase came to mind and rings in my ears, “Attitude is Everything” is not what happens to you, it is the attitude with which you face what happens to you. That's what really makes the difference. Real friends, wish me luck and as always, thank you for reading my post and accompanying me in the stories of my family life.

Amigo quise hacer este post con un poco de humor tratando de alegrar mi espíritu un poco golpeado y preocupado porque apenas hoy es martes y ya quiero que sea sábado por la tarde, Dios mío ya siento que la semana será fuerte y apenas he resuelto 1 objetivo, de 7 objetivos importantes y retadores que tengo que cumplir prácticamente uno por cada día de esta semana.

Pero hoy me vino a la mente una frase y me retumba los oídos, “La Actitud lo es Todo” no es lo que te pasa, es la actitud con la que afrontas lo que te pasa. Eso es lo que realmente marca la diferencia. Amigos de verdad deséenme suerte y como siempre gracias por leer mi post y acompañarme en las historias de mi vida familiar.


📷 Fotografía por | Photography by: @floreudys79, Xiaomi 7A.
✎ Edición por | Edition by: @floreudys79, Photoshop y Canvas
✂ Separador | Separator: Separadores de texto para Blog
Translated with www.traductorgoogle
Separador y stikers| Separator and stikers: Photoshop!!!!!!![]![]

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