Attending the Lord's Day

Hello Everyone☺☺☺

Hope all is good and safe😘😘😘

It's Church time. Earlier this afternoon we went to church. It's sunday and it's the Lord's Day. We should go to church to thank him for all the blessings.


Actually even it's not sunday we should always thank him. The message of the lord for us this sunday is to love and not to criticize the street people. The priest said that God is more likely love this people. And yeah I think it's true. Look they have no home to rest a regular time to eat the food. But look God never leave them, and still they are strong to face there lives everyday.

The message was so touching. So we people should not pushed them away. I know were afraid of them sometimes that is why we pushed them. Or sometimes we can't bare the smell that they have. But by listening earlier I feel guilty. Because honestly sometimes I am like that. That supposedly I shouldn't have done that to them.

So anyway after the mass, we stopped on Mama Mary statue and my Man light a candle and we pray. I don't know what he prayed for, but mine is to pray that what he pray will make it happened.


And after that I asked him to capture a photo of me, as I walk to the stairs going to were Mama Mary was. I hold her hand and the rosary that she is wearing and kissed it. This coming September 8 was her birthday and it's also the town fiesta of my mother's birthplace. And sad to say we can't go there because of financial problem.



After the random photos, we went home already. We just walk from church to our home. It's not that far so we walk. That's it for my activity today.

That's all for now everyone. Keep safe always. God Bless and Thank you for your unending support to my blog always☺☺😘

truly yours,


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