Viserys I Targaryen: King of The Seven Kingdoms

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Viserys I Targaryen portrayed by Paddy Considine is one of the main characters of the HBO series “House of the Dragon” which is a prequel to the widely acclaimed “Game of Thrones. ” Viserys is a king of the Seven Kingdoms and he is faced with the monumental responsibility of choosing a successor to the Iron Throne after him that will lead to a series of events in the show.

The Succession Crisis

Viserys’ main goal is to keep the bloodline of Targaryen going and to preserve the order in the kingdom. He is a very loyal man to the Targaryens and wants to ensure that there are no wars over the rightful successor in the land of Westeros. In this regard, he decides to appoint his daughter, Rhaenyra Targaryen, as his successor, a move that is well received but also resisted by different groups within the court.

In the series, Viserys’ involvement in the succession struggle is characterized by efforts to navigate the desires of his relatives and the council. To achieve these goals he has to manage the relationships that are present within the royal family and at the same time bear in mind the future ramifications of his actions. In the end, it is Viserys’ actions that create the conditions that will determine the future of the Seven Kingdoms.

Relationship with Rhaenyra Targaryen

One of the core narratives of the series is the father-daughter bond between Viserys I Targaryen and his daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen. Being the king’s daughter and the first-born, Rhaenyra is most concerned with her father’s actions and the fate of the kingdom. They are in a constant process of transformation throughout the series as they experience the political and family struggles within the royal context.

First of all, Viserys is portrayed as a caring and protective father who cares about his daughter Rhaenyra and believes she should be prepared to ascend the Iron Throne. He is pleased with her intellect, her bravery, and her tenacity, and he knows that she possesses all the qualities that would make her a fine queen. Rhaenyra also admires her father and would like to receive his approval and direction.

However, as the series progresses, their relationship becomes more complicated and the two characters do not share a close bond anymore. Viserys’ choice to wed Alicent Hightower and sire more offspring leads to conflict between him and his daughter Rhaenyra, who feels that there is competition for the crown. Also, Viserys’ growing dependence on Alicent and his drifting apart from Rhaenyra create resentment and distrust between the siblings.

Nonetheless, the friendship between Viserys and Rhaenyra is quite strong and is based on the fact that they are both Targaryens and both want the best for the realm. In the series, they fail to find a way to resolve their conflict and come to the common ground that will help their dynasty to continue.


Marriage to Alicent Hightower

It is interesting to see how Viserys I Targaryen’s marriage to Alicent Hightower alters the power relations within the royal family. This marriage is first thought to be the political one aimed at the consolidation of the Targaryen’s power and forming new alliances. But it does so at the cost of creating large amounts of conflict and rifts within the family unit.

However, the marriage has negative effects as it leads to the formation of two factions in the royal court. Although Alicent is Rhaenyra’s cousin and close friend, she is not welcomed kindly at the court, as Rhaenyra and her entourage perceive her as a potential rival. This tension is further compounded by Viserys’ dependence on Alicent who is now his chief counselor and most trusted friend.

The marriage also results in changing power relations within the family or the couple. Aegon and Aemond, Alicent’s sons, become more important, and their rights to the dragon’s title are also strengthened by Alicent’s control over Viserys. This causes discomfort in the Rhaenyra and her supporters, who start to feel that their own rights to the Iron Throne are being violated.


Death and Legacy

The character death of Viserys I Targaryen is a significant turning point in the series. His death was therefore not a simple event, but one which was caused by a number of factors that are both personal and political.

The sickness is one of the factors that lead to Viserys’ death among all the events of his life. As the series unfolds the audience is able to see that Viserys is ill, and his condition is getting worse, which is slowly affecting his body. This deterioration in health also reduces his mobility and independence, and he has to rely more on Alicent Hightower for physical support and counsel.

The other considerable issue is that the conflict within the royal family has also escalated. The decision to make Rhaenyra his successor angered some members of the family and formed two factions, the green supporters of Rhaenyra, and the black supporters of Alicent’s sons. This tension reaches its climax when Viserys, driven by his weakness, reveals his true intentions concerning the succession, which results in a fight that will determine his destiny.

Similarly, Viserys’ death is not only due to his own decisions and choices but also because of the scheming of other characters. There is no doubt that Alicent has a major part in the events that lead up to his death because she is a selfish woman who wants to secure her own position and that of her sons. The intricate relations and enmities of the royal court are the death of Viserys because he dies a death he never wanted to experience, a death that comes from the very politics he tried to avoid.

The death of Viserys has a significant role in the events that occurred in the next episodes of the show. His death is what initiates a series of events that will define the future of the series and the Seven Kingdoms. The conflict of succession between Rhaenyra and Aegon splits the royal family, and a violent battle ensues to determine who will rule Westeros.

Comparison to the Book "Fire & Blood"

Analyzing the character of Viserys I Targaryen in the TV series “House of the Dragon” and comparing it to the book “Fire & Blood” by George R. R. Martin, the following differences can be noted. It is important to note that both versions have some similarities: Viserys as a loyal Targaryen who wants to save the realm, however, there are differences.

In “Fire & Blood,” Viserys is portrayed as a weaker and less assertive character who tends to waver and is frequently overruled by his family and bannermen. He is depicted as a lethargic king, who could care less about ruling the kingdom and just wants to enjoy himself and do as he pleases.

While the Viserys in “House of the Dragon” is quite different as he is more of a character who initiates action and makes decisions. He is depicted as a man who cares for the future of the realm and is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his daughter, Rhaenyra, inherits the throne. This Viserys is much more self-assured and commanding, deciding matters himself and making decisions that others are too afraid to make.

The second difference is that the show presents Viserys’ relationships in a different manner than the books. While in “Fire & Blood” his marriage with Alicent Hightower was portrayed as a marriage of convenience and no love was involved, in “House of the Dragon,” it is portrayed as a love marriage. Likewise, his interaction with Rhaenyra is more layered and developed in the series with the viewers getting to see the internal dynamics of their affection and struggles.


Paddy Considine as Viserys I Targaryen is one of the main characters of the show “House of the Dragon” who plays an important role in the succession wars and the relationships with his family members that has a major impact on the further fate of the Seven Kingdoms. This way the show is focused on the question of royal intrigue, on the difficulties of the king and queen of the Seven Kingdoms and on the necessity of diplomacy and wise choices.

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