Navigating The Writer's Block Terrain


Not having inspiration can be a real problem for bloggers like us. You know you should be writing, but you have no topic ideas ready, no time to do research for new ideas and it feels like you should take a break. What was that? Why weren't you able to write anything for your daily blog?

A loss of writing inspiration can be a painful experience for a blogger who wants to keep writing consistently. It is similar to a disease that won't allow you to do what you should be doing. You desperately wanted to write a blog post, yet you find yourself without any idea of what to write about.

If that sounds like you, you are not alone. Even high profile bloggers experience writer's block. It's a common challenge for every blogger. As an experienced blogger, I am going to discuss some of the tactics I used when my writing juice just doesn't want to flow.

Blog About It

When you face your computer screen and find it hard to put two sentences together, just turn the situation around and blog about the challenge instead. Talk about the challenge and what you plan to do to resolve it. I have been in this situation before - Looking clueless at the screen unable to type a word.

This situation can drag on for hours with no end. To save time and energy, it's better to write about what you are going through. By all means, you are getting some writing done, and also gaining more insight about writer's block as a topic.

There are days when I feel unproductive and have a sense of failure for not being able to complete my daily tasks. It can be due to exhaustion and other things in real life. At this point, I usually forget about writing that day and start surfing social media for anything that might interest me.

On one such day, an idea stuck to my mind, "why not write about it?" It dawned on me that this was exactly what I have been missing. It might seem strange to write about the reasons why you feel stuck with writer's block, but trust me: it works like magic. Writing about the situation can help you get back on track, and may even change your perspective about the subject.

Create an Outline for The Topic You Have on hand

When you don't know where and how to start a blog post, spending time thinking on the best way to start can be counterproductive. The best thing to do at that point is to start by outlining the topic or listing the objectives you will like to cover for the article.

This is like developing a recover plan. Breaking down the steps into pieces can motivate you to start writing. You may not have the whole idea about the topic at this point, but you have got something constructive in place. Bit by bit, writing one outline at a time you will see how your blog post will begin to take form.

You don't have to be in a hurry to finish the whole blog post. Keep it simple and use short paragraph. As long you have outline the steps you are going to cover for the post, it will be easier to keep going when inspiration strikes.

Switch Off the Outside World

When inspiration for writing run into a drought, striving to push along become impossible. In such moment, it's better to take a pause to replenish your mental strength. This involve cutting off every distraction like phone notifications alerts, switching off music, setting aside everything else and breathe some fresh air.

One of the reasons why we often find ourselves struck with writer's block is because we try to do so many things at the same time. By cutting off other things and focusing on one task at a time, we gain more inspiration for our writing mojo to flow aggressively.

Sometimes when we are at our creative peaks, we don't realize when discouragement sets in. This could be after you have just completed a major task like writing a top notch post that goes viral. At that point, you feel accomplished and gradually complacency sets in. If that resonates, it's crucial to step back at this time, switch off from the outside world. Turn off your phone notifications and go for a refreshing stroll or get a story book to read.

Forget about all the noise that are begging for your attention, turn off the world and breathe fresh air. Set a time for just 5 minutes and feel the gratitude for the time you have at the moment. Go make a cup of coffee or better sandwich. Go for a brief exercise, whatever that will keep you motivated just do it.

Take Advantage of White Noise

Writing is something that some of us do for pleasure. However, there's a secret technique that might help to get work done faster when it seems like the creative process is being obstructed, and to have more fun while doing it. This technique is called 'White Noise '.

White noise is a system that helps induce stable mental state where stress is high. The system also helps in reduction of anxiety and distraction, and help people to stay focused and deal with the problem at hand. This system was invented by an American psychologist named Alexander Toth to help people deal with distraction and stay focused.

White noise can be a constant background noise accompanied by rhythmic chirping. The chirping can be a soft music sound that reminds you of home or your childhood days, which is capable of raising your mood.

Closing Thoughts

Writer's block is an issue every content writer experiences irrespective of the level they may be. Whether you are a beginner, an average writer, or a veteran in the writing field, inspiration drought do set in from time to time.

When you lose your writing mojo, frustration sets in, and the urge to quit become stronger than to continue writing. The truth is that every blogger hits a wall sometimes, and at that point, giving up will look a better option. Haven't been there myself in many occasions, I have to search for a solution that works for me. I believe the tips I discussed in this post can help anyone get over the lost of writing inspiration or writer's block.

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