Dreams: A Reality of the Future

Dreams offer a glimpse into realities of our lives moving into the future. They can be very vivid and sometimes strange, even feel too real while we sleep. This story is about a particularly memorable childhood dream that has remained with me for decades. More than just a bizarre dreamland fantasy, this dream revealed some deeper truth about my innate aspirations and personality. Let me take you through the dream scenes as I witnessed being crowned a king while still a young boy. More than anything else, this dream provided a sixth sense into my character and points at the ability that would shape my future.

The Coronation Ceremony

Though it has been over three decades, I still remember the dream very vividly like it happened yesterday. I was only ten years old at the time, living with my extended family in our village home. In the dream, I saw myself returning home as though I have been away for a very long time.

As soon as I arrived at my father's large compound, I was shocked by the event unfolding. Almost all the villagers, both young and old had gathered in my father’s compound, cheering joyfully at my return. While I continued to baffle what was going on, the people started shouting and pointing at me “You are the one to rule us”.

In a flurry of natural action within the sitting room, some elders dressed me in very elegant robes and beads. Then they ushered me to a very majestic wooden throne. As I sat upon it, the village elder performed rituals. The people hailed me as their new king from within the crowded room, chanting "Long live the king!"

When Reality Met the Dream

Still sitting on the makeshift throne, and basking in the­ exuberant atmosphere­ around me, an une­xpected eve­nt unfolded. I observed my elder brothe­r's wife entering, carrying a large bowl of ­ water. Fe­igning a loss of balance, she approached and purpose­fully doused my kingly robe with the water, abruptly shatte­ring my monarch's decoration.

Stung by the disrespect, I leapt up from the chair yelling "I am the king! You cannot ruin my robes this way." In that moment, the dreamlike haze lifted and reality set in. I awoke with a start, still yelling "I am the king!" and a clenched fist beside me. My heart pounded as the retentivity of dream faded, though the passion within the dream has stayed with me to this day.

Reflecting on the Dream's Meaning

Looking back, this dream offered a window into my childhood days. Even at a very young age, I harbored the desires to lead and be respected by my community. Perhaps it also hinted at a personality bent towards leadership.

While circumstances did not allow me to literally rule as king, the passion for guiding others that was revealed in the dream has stayed with me. Over the years, this extremely innate desire to lead has led me to take on several leadership roles and positions in unusual capacities. I have headed various community committees, spearheaded charitable initiatives, and held management roles at the workplace.

Largely, every new responsibility presents an opportunity for me to enhance those traits, such as strategic thinking, effective communication, and helping others, all qualities that were revealed from the dream of a king. While I never took a seat on the throne, I eventually found a worthwhile place to direct this early vision of leadership through service and guiding others.


Looking back, I am amazed as to how a seemingly ordinary dream I had in my childhood managed to predict my character and course of life so accurately. All the scenes and emotions, as well as the reality of the narrative, have stuck with me for decades.

Though circumstances didn’t allow me to become a literal ruler of kingdoms; as an adult, I can re-read the dream and uncover its meaning throughout my life. It was the beginning of a path where I had an opportunity and potential to critically think in terms of a strategy and make people follow me. For all my life, I managed to work in several organizations to fulfill these childhood dreams and am happy about it.

Above all, this unforgettable dream taught me much about my life. I achieved my innermost wishes from a young age, even as life situations changed. Still, it is possible that when we follow this life path, we are aware of our deepest goals to become who are. Indeed, sometimes, it feels like dreams knows us more than we do.

This is my submission for day 14 in the AprilInleo writing challenge.

Happy #lpud to all Lions!

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