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Here's a longer version:

Introversion and daydreaming often go hand-in-hand, but not all introverts are daydream believers. While introverts tend to be more introspective, spending more time thinking and reflecting inwardly, this doesn't necessarily mean they're always lost in fantastical daydreams.

However, many introverts do have a rich inner world, and their introspective nature can lead them to explore imaginative scenarios, possibilities, and ideas. This is where the daydream believer aspect comes in when introverts start to envision alternative realities, idealized futures, or hypothetical situations.

Some common traits of introverted daydream believers include:

  • Getting lost in their thoughts and imagination
  • Envisioning alternative possibilities or scenarios
  • Reflecting on their values, goals, and aspirations
  • Exploring their creativity and ideas
  • Imagining different outcomes or experiences
  • Dreaming up fictional stories or characters
  • Visualizing personal successes or achievements

It's important to note that daydreaming is a common and normal cognitive process, and both introverts and extroverts can be daydream believers! The key difference lies in how often and intensely someone engages in daydreaming, and how it affects their daily life and productivity.

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