A recap of last month and my plans for the new month

Greetings to you and everyone in the @cleanplanet community, It's an honor to have been mentioned by a friend of mine, @fab-tay, during his entry for the cleanplant prompt, which was hosted by one of our hive favorites, @nwothini335

This will be my first post in the community and won't be the last. I can promise you that I am more of an environmental person too. Vice president of the Environmental protection and Sanitation (EPS). Anyway, today, I will be sharing with you some of my worth knowing activities of last month and my current plan for the month of July.

Image sourced from POE AI

The month of June was full of activities and one of them was taking my cats to the vet for their final injection.

They were very small when I got them, at a point I was scared they wouldn't grow well but I am glad to see them grow. They have become so strong they started climbing through my window to look outside themselves.

Then a friend of mine had his wedding, we knew each other growing up and I was shocked when I was invited to his wedding.

I am happy he is starting a home with the woman he loves, now everyone's eyes are on me asking "when will you get married?" Sweet boy like me? nah, I am not in a rush, I will take my time and do my thing. I dressed well for the wedding which got a lot of ladies' attention.

Thats a picture of me and my friend.

After that, there was a morning I made boiled plantain and fried egg to it. This is one of my favorite breakfasts. Either fried or boiled plantain and fried egg.

This looks delicious right? I can show you how to prepare this some other time.

Well, these are some of my favorite activities in the month of June.

The Month of July.

The month of July started well, I planned to get a router in the month of July, so I used part of my June salary to pay for it. 50K and it cost me a lot, now I am broke but that won't last long.

I also plan to write on hive more often as I didn't do much of that in the month of June. I will do more prompt from the different community this time.

Also, in this month of July I will try to go out more. My job is fully remote so I didn't go out much, but in the month of july I will go out more. Probably visit a cinema this time and watch the Deadpool new movie.

Thanks for reading. This is my entry for the #cleanplanet prompt Yu can learn more about the prompt from here @nwothini335/cleanplanet-biweekly-prompt-results-new-prompt-last-month-recap-and-new-month-plans-8d7

This is my entry for the #julyinleo prompt also, you can learn more about that from this post https://inleo.io/threads/view/leogrowth/re-leothreads-fwlvchzc

I am inviting @luchyl @cheeamaka @sam9999 @kingsleyy to join the prompt and lets engage with each other.

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