A Pet that's very difficult to care for and things you should know about pets

Many times, we get carried away by how cute some animals are and feel we can adopt and take care of them. There are many animals people use as pets, and their care procedures are almost the same. Talk about the most popular pets, like dogs, cats, birds, and many other common pets. I was going through TikTok while checking for pets I could adopt that would look unique to me. I came across a tortoise. One thing you should know is that before you take in any pet, you must have a vast knowledge of the animal, so when you see an abnormal behavioral pattern, you will know what to do on time.

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The tortoise is one of the most beautiful creatures on earth, and it lives longer than many other animals. I once came across a tortoise in my home when I was younger, but my parents did not let me keep it because they didn’t know how to care for it, so we set it free in the wild.

These are some important things you should know about tortoises before taking care of them. I did my research, and most of what you will be learning today are details from experts and vets. There is a tortoise Facebook page where you can find more information about them. Now let's learn some things about a beautiful creature.

Caring for a tortoise requires attention to several key aspects of their well-being:

Housing: Provide a spacious enclosure that mimics their natural habitat. This usually means a large outdoor pen. Ensure the enclosure has secure walls or fencing to prevent escapes and provide protection from predators. You have to have a green compound that the tortoise can find easy to adapt to. Green compound means grass, maybe a garden, and a lot of greens.

Temperature: Tortoises need a warm environment with a basking spot where they can absorb heat. That is, you need to be very observant about their temperature. Since they are reptile-like animals, you need to be very observant about their temperature.

Substrate: Use a substrate that allows for burrowing and digging, such as coconut coir, cypress mulch, or topsoil. Avoid substrates that can cause impaction if ingested, such as sand or gravel. According to research, many people make this mistake; they picture tortoises as turtles, which has led to a lot of wrong decision-making.

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Diet: Offer a varied diet that includes leafy greens, vegetables, fruits (in moderation), and occasional treats like flowers or edible weeds. Tortoises also require calcium supplements to prevent shell deformities, especially if they are not exposed to natural sunlight.

Water: Make sure your tortoise always has clean, shallow water for drinking and soaking. Soaking helps maintain hydration and aids in digestion.

Veterinary Checkup: Make sure you take your pet to the vet for a regular checkup, especially when you notice a sign or symptoms that the tortoise is exhibiting.

Activities: Ensure your tortoise's mind and body are enriched by activities such as exploring different textures and providing objects to climb on or hide under. It needs this exercise for better growth.

Spending time with it: While tortoises are not typically social animals, they still benefit from interaction with their human caregivers. Spend time with your tortoise, observing their behavior and handling them gently, to build trust.

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Now, these are some of the things you should keep in mind before taking in a tortoise as a pet. Also, before taking any other animal as a pet, study about them so you can build a good relationship with them. I have changed my mind about getting a tortoise; I will be getting a cat soon. I will share the post with you when it arrives.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry for the daily writing prompt by the inleo term #aprilinleo. You can visit @leo.tasks for the april edition post or the new account @leogrowth thread for more information too.

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